Still amazed...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Alexanor, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. Alexanor all of the HA that FOREGO THEIR LMG IN FAVOR OF THEIR ROCKET LAUNCHER TO KILL INFANTRY. Am I the only person that finds this absolutely appalling? The fact that these OHK infantry still never ceases to amaze me. You can try to reason it over and over about how "oh it makes IRL sense that if you got hit with a rocket you'd die instantly" and "oh they give up so much accuracy for it." No. The truth is, they do it, and they do it consistently because it produces results. This DID NOT happen in PS1 and it shouldn't happen in PS2. The rockets are for VEHICLES.

  2. TheFamilyGhost

    Somebody died to a rocket. I love it when people sit still and let me rocket them.
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  3. Keyski

    If i have my rocket out, I'm not going to pull out my pistol or LMG when I see an enemy turn the corner because of a 'rule' that "rockets are for vehicles"
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  4. Hatesphere

    if you dont eat your rockets, you can't you have any pudding, how can you have any pudding if you dont eat your rockets?

    just eat your rockets.
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  5. Angry Scientist

    Flak armor five says hi. And so does my carbine, as you're scrambling to bring out that bulky LMG.
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  6. Captain Kid

    I main the rocket and have a smg for back up. Love getting four kills in one shot.

    Since lock on launchers are useless and frustrating I now only use the dumb fire rocket launcher. On infantry that is.
  7. Alexanor

    Exactly my point. Thank you for enforcing it everyone! :D
  8. doombro

    Well, when you're playing TR and using the CARV, and you have your rocket launcher out, the choice is a pretty simple one. Either you use your rocket launcher, or you're gonna be there a while.
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  9. Thardus

    If I'm expecting a MAX to come around the corner, and I see you instead, I'm not going to waste time switching weapons.
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  10. Pelojian

    This. typically the guy that shoots first wins. if you swap weapons rather then use a rocket you'll probably die.

    I take rockets to the face sometimes, sometimes i make other people take rockets to the face. amusing if it's a AA lock-on launcher.
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  11. Jalek

    This is just another effect of the delay on swapping weapons which is worst for LMG's, with a bonus delay for spending certs on them.
    So, whatever's in your hand, point and click.
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  12. Luighseach

    Yeah this is annoying but I admit that I Rocket Primary. I hate playing Heavy. I prefer support classes. But when I pull my HA it is usually to destroy a Max. This also means that I go in Rocket first which also means that sometimes the Max is not around the corner but an unlucky infantry is. I'm not going to switch to my LMG to maybe kill the infantry player when I already have my rocket out.

    It is annoying but it is part of the game. I wouldn't mind it nerfed but I also wouldn't care if it stayed in the game.
  13. EvilKoala

    Rocket launchers are more effective past ~100m.. especially because people know they're outside effective range of small arms, so they run in straight lines.
  14. QuakerOatsMan

    I don't mind killing or being killed by rocket launchers. However, I think the devs could go in the direction of buffing and making certain weapons (especially heavy guns + the creation of new ones) also take up the RL slot so that HAs are unable to equip RLs at the same time.
  15. Alexanor

    Maybe I'm just being over critical, but lately I find that the majority of times I die from HA, it's from their Rocket Launcher. Even when I die from friendly fire, it's from rocket launchers. I swear I die MORE from rocket launchers than I do from LMGs now, and that's a problem.
  16. Kanil

    The only thing that really bothers me about HA rocket is when you eat one at knife range, and the heavy survives. A minimum arming range of like 5 meters might be nice.
  17. Devrailis

    The Rocket Primary Master Race has spoken.
  18. Codex561

    As we can observe, everybody agrees with the OP.:p
  19. Thagyr

    I've hit engineers when I was aiming at tanks.

    Am I a bad person? Or did the engineer not get the memo that ROCKETS ARE 4 TANKS. He had no reason to get in the way of it. CHANGE IT NAOW.
  20. Tuco

    Yes You!
    Stand still laddy