[Suggestion] Sticky Darts

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Drowingpool, Jul 4, 2016.

  1. Drowingpool

    Darts that Stick and ping like a normal dart, but sticks to everything and pings....Thoughts?
  2. customer548

    It has been submitted several times for vehicules (darts sticking to vehicules). Still nothing.
    For infantry (darts sticking to infantry), i don't see any real interest in it.
    We also had a recon flying drone project. It was almost done. It has been canceled.
  3. MrMinistry30

    Why should anyone want that? Spotters for small areas and normal darts for sniping are enough if you have it on high rank.

    Don't get me wrong, i don't think your idea is stupid, i just don't see an actual use/benefit.
  4. Drowingpool

    Oh lol I duuno . Sticky Darts to nail the Wraith Flash would be nice.. / Stealth Sundy's that like to move... deploy / move ...ect ect .. That Max that nobody fecking one seems to see? Dart that sucker =) Anyway

    Hunt Well
