Steel Rained while in Construction Menu, menu cannot disappear at all.

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by AntDX316, Apr 15, 2024.

  1. AntDX316

    Steel Rained while in Construction Menu, Menu cannot disappear at all.
  2. Mithril Community Manager

    Can you reply with a screenshot so we can see how it looks on your end? Thanks.
  3. AntDX316

    When I was using the Construction Menu to select what to choose, the Steel Rain put me in a drop pod then there was no way to remove the overlay menu. I could click somethings behind it, I could use chat, but I couldn't click anything else such as exit game.
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  4. AntDX316

    Best way is to try it in PTS, call a Steel Rain while being in the Construction Menu.
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