Station Cash Sale?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kassidus, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. Kassidus

    Any word on when the next one is? im tired of waiting and i need new camo's please give us a station cash sale soon.
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  2. nooblet91698 body knows okay?
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  3. Kassidus

    who's this nobody guy? get him in hear i want answers!
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  4. Schwak

    I've been waiting on the same thing. I want to buy some bulk so I can get infantry camos and some galaxy guns.
  5. Van Dax

    100% there will be one in december, earlier? I can't answer that Dave.
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  6. Solo59486

    He didn't say that though, he said no body knows. Which means that no one's body knows when it is. Their body isn't ready.
  7. ironeddie

    I would hope they have a sc sale plus double XP weekend to celebrate the games anniversary. If we get anything before Christmas I think it'll be then.
  8. StolenToast

    I've got two $15 Walmart cards that have been itching in my desk since June. 3x Christmas SC please!
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  9. Enchman

    They usually happen around game anniversaries and "official" US holidays. Next holiday coming up is Nov. 11 for Veterans Day and then Nov. 29 is Black Friday.
  10. ColdCheezePizza

    They'll probably do one when the console version releases or when the optimization patch is finally completed whenever that is, just my guess
  11. Klondik3

    Thanks Captain.
  12. HooWoo

    Who cares about Sc sale, I want heroic boosts! :(

    Need one for my VS to get to Br 100 and then my NC to get to Br 100
  13. P3STILENCE1973

    I see what you did there. I love this. Official U.S. holiday. November 29th. That little insignificant holiday in the middle of those two gets lost in the "consumer shuffle."
  14. Zotamedu

    Veterans days sounds highly unlikely but Black Friday is the big sale day in the US so my money is on some kind of sale then. I would be surprised if they didn't do something. I just hope it's not yet another one where you have to buy cards in some store that's only available in USA.
  15. Pikachu

    I want this too. I need to get a faction independent snow camo (esamir ice) and I want a nice skull helmet for my terran MAX. I might even get a premium membership again for it so I get tripple cash.
  16. illgot

    December most likely. Just hope it is a 3x and not 2x (they have been testing lower bonuses).
  17. Sen7rygun

    I would expect one very soon, either a cash sale, double exp event or both. BF4 is coming and SOE are going to have to start throwing carrots around if they don't want another significant drop in player numbers.