Started Playing Last Night: Feedback

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by WhattaBurger, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. WhattaBurger

    I read a review of Planetside 2 yesterday and it seemed really cool. So I got home last night and downloaded it. I was amazed at how quickly I was able to get into the game. Within 3 minutes of downloading I was in combat.

    In combat getting demolished....

    Sure I'm a noob, I would expect that. But I've got a good amount of FPS experience so I'm not an idiot. My problem is I've searched the forums, I've watched the tutorial videos, I've gotten my face melted on the battlefield. I still haven't been able to get a decent description of how the game systems work. Certs? WTF are those, why do I care? How do I even use them?

    Resources for vehicles? No idea at all... Even class abilities are so ill described that the only way I figure I'm going to be able to learn them is by trial and error.

    That is not a good way to bring people into the game. By dropping them into battle to get their heads caved in until they can catch up to the giant learning curve here. I should be able to at least go into each class with a basic understanding of it's strengths, weaknesses, and abilities.

    IMO a small noob continent would be in order. With quick tutorials to complete for whatever class/playstyle you choose.
  2. willTell

    The game is learning by doing, ever tried Eve online or world of tanks?
    Don't think that they are much different in this matter of teaching the player anything before they go into battle.

    Personally I haven't watched it fully, but take a look at a noob friendly video here:
  3. Cowboyhomer

    Same thing for me. I played the whole first week and didnt even realize that I could choose to fight on one of three continents. I had actually told friends "how awesome will it be when they add more than just the snowy planet" . One hint that I will offer is look around the map before you choose your spawn point. You dont have to keep running out the door that all the tanks are shooting at. There is a much safer Sunderer parked somewhere close by :)
  4. Zakuak

    lol, Cowboyhomer....Yeah I don't think it took me a week but it was a few days b4 I noticed the other two continents.