Stand still when asking for ammo

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by aRottenKomquat, Oct 9, 2013.

  1. aRottenKomquat

    We engineers cannot place ammo packs underneath a person or other object. It also takes a couple seconds to place an ammo pack, and if someone steps over it while it's materializing it will cancel. So when you and 12 other guys are circling around me and asking for ammo, please stand still or step away!

    That is all.
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  2. TimeyWimey

    Huh? Never experienced the disappear -thing.. also, standing still gets you killed. So, no.
  3. Liquid23

    I've never had difficulty throwing packs down either... I throw them down on top of where someone is standing all the time...
  4. HurpDurps

    The trick with throwing down ammo packs is to do so until your auto switch to your weapon again. Even though you see the throwing animation, it doesn't always stick, and the pack winds up in back in your hand.
  5. Ghosty11

    Getting a pack down in congested areas can be tricky at times, but my all time favorite is those calling for repairs and running off in less time than it takes for the animation to switch from your main weapon to your repair/heal gun to complete.
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  6. libbmaster

    Yes, yes, a thousand times yes.

    Also when people are running around, but need ammo.

    I can give you all the bullets in the world, but I need you to first take cover and STOP MOVING.
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  7. Being@RT

    I don't mind if you don't stand still, but at least check the minimap for ammo box icon afterwards.
    I'll try dropping it close and in cover, but if you run away you'll just have to come back :p
  8. NC_agent00kevin

    Ammo packs cannot be deployed under another player,

    THE END.
  9. IamDH

    People rarely stop what they are doing and give me ammo.

    and yes i did just start the "engineers can do whatever they want" argument

  10. Zexis

    I don't cater to people as an engi. I'll be your MAX's pocket engi, I'll drop ammo packs for dayz, but you need to meet me halfway to make it work. Can't repair you as a MAX if you start sprinting off, and if you need ammo but keep running around, I'll just drop it in a safe spot and expect you to get to it.

    Most people are pretty cooperative, though. After all, I only want to help you (and get XP).
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