
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Piraten Hovnoret, Jun 3, 2015.

  1. Piraten Hovnoret

    first there is a lot of bugs and issues in the game.
    However I love it and it's going to be awesome when it finally releases on ps4.

    One thing I a bit torn about is the absent of stamina.
    The 4ever running jumping and the fact that a heavy can run just as fast and maybe more strange just as long as a light is let's just say od.

    Any though about this anyone?
  2. Leftconsin

    Considering the fact that sometimes you have to run up to half a kilometer between bases during a foot zerg a stamina bar would add a whole lot of obnoxiousness for no benefit.
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  3. Piraten Hovnoret

    And that's why we have the light cars
  4. Eternaloptimist

    But think of the resource costs, and the traffic jams. Given my driving ability they would also need wheels on the roof to to get me somewhere in one piece so I personally would rather run if I can't hitch a ride in a Sundy, without additional complexity.

    I see the point about everyone moving at the same speed but I suppose the answer is that HA are big muscle-bound guys whereas LA are skinny little chaps or their jet packs wouldn't get them off the ground. I do believe some classes can move faster if they cert into adrenaline pump, so there is some kind of mechanic for being quicker.
  5. Dgross

    No thanks. That would turn it even more into a Battlefield game, which already shares too many simularities with PS2.
  6. day ofm one

    In a game with a map of hundreds of meters of distance you can/have to make by foot, stamina would ruin the game.

    Flanking would be extremely annoying.
  7. FateJH

    Even back when we did have stamina, you could run forever.
  8. Iridar51

    If your problem is lack of difference between HA speed and light class speed, then the proper way to fix it is to slow down the HA, or make light classes faster (built in adrenaline pump).

    Adding a stamina bar would just overcomplicate the game for no benefit.
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  9. stalkish

    Planetside 1 had stamina.
    It didnt drain while sprinting, it did however prevent you from sprinting if you had 0 stamina.

    How it worked:
    Each player had 100 stamina.
    Jumping costed 10 stamina points
    Some implants drained stamina while active, eg surge (increased sprint speed) and all implants require at least 1 stamina point in order to activate.

    I spawn in with 100 stamina, I can sprint around permanently without loosing stamina (in PS1 the normal speed was sprint, holding shift made your character walk)

    I then activate my surge implant, stamina now drains at a rate depending on how heavy your character is, i.e A HA is alot heavier than an LA so it takes more stamina to move it therefore the stamina drained more quickly.
    If i let my stamia drain entirely to 0, my character becomes out of breath (yes we could hear heavy breathing as the char was recovering) and is unable to sprint, so moves around at walk speed until recovered. There was also a penalty for letting your stamina run dry - your implants are put on cooldown until your stamina recovers.

    Recovery only happened when still meaning you had to stop moving to recover stamina, being humans you recover faster if you sit down and the ps1 characters also recovered quickest when crouched.
    Once stamina reached back to 10 (or was it 20??) your character had recovered sufficiently to enable you to sprint again, and your implants also become re-available.

    The infiltrators cloak was also powered by stamina and drained when cloak was active. Standing still crouched and cloaked the stamina drains at the same rate it recovers so 0 stamina drain. Of course you can see the problem with letting your stamina drain while cloaked, you are stuck walking around with 0 (and yes i mean 0) armour (shields in ps2).

    In a way stamina is already present in this game, its the bar for HAs shield and infiltrators cloak.
  10. FateJH

    It was 0. You could Surge to 10 stamina, stop, and there would be no problem sprinting.

    Death set stamina to 0 and being revived started recovering stamina from 0, which means you couldn't sprint or jump right from the get-back-up. Death also disabled all Implants, resulting in them needing to go through their re-initialization timer before they could be used again if you were revived. Taking damage consumed some stamina as well. The alternate fire mode of Medium Assault pistols consumed all one's stamina (but not the alternate fire mode of the Rocklet Rifle).
  11. stalkish

    Ye thers always a few things i forget to mention, why is it that every single small piece of ps1 seems to include waaaaay more thought than anything in ps2?

    Not sure what you mean in your first comment, i meant once your stamina drained to 0 (eg used to much surge, or died as you mentioned) it would need to get back up to 10 before you could do anything.
  12. Piraten Hovnoret

    I like this.
    Awesome sugestion
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  13. FateJH

    My mistake. It sounded like you were originally suggesting that you lost the ability to sprint once stamina dropped below 20, but that was me misreading the line I intentionally quoted. :oops: