Stalker with Emissary?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Diggsano, Mar 5, 2016.

  1. Diggsano

    Hi my fellow Stalkers out there.

    We have now become the new Emissary in our skilled hands to take down some people and make a mess ;)

    I want you to ask how you think the Emissary is now?

    What troubles do you have now since with the Autopistol?

    Do you have any Tricks and Tips to share? ;)
  2. Wargeist

    The main thing to understand about the Emissary is that it doesn't synergize with the typical stalker ambush method of being super close and hitting hard and fast. There's nothing fast about this weapon, and if you're not getting head shots with it then you're probably dead. My head shot kill ratio for most weapons is only about 25%, so take that into account if you're a better shot than I.

    Now, that said, I've been using it almost exclusively since it hit the live servers. As both a stalker and as an engineer with an Archer as primary. I have a great deal of fun using it. But it has above average awareness requirements in the choosing of targets and engagement distance, in my opinion.

    You'll find yourself exposed for uncomfortable lengths of time because of the slow TTK. You'll find yourself breaking off many more engagements prematurely simply because you've failed to kill your target within the window of opportunity that also includes your own survival.

    I don't get caught needing to reload nearly as often as when I use the Repeater, but I'm also using the extended magazine for the Emissary. The weapon is very easy to handle. Between the low recoil and low rate of fire (for an automatic weapon) it's pretty easy to make most of your rounds count when tracking moving targets.

    So that's my quick summary. I'm at 104 kills with it right now. It's enjoyable to use while still maintaining reasonable effectiveness, which is what is important for me.
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  3. Liewec123

    i only trialled it but it seemed a little underwhelming for me, for the reasons Wargeist listed,
    the TTK is just too long for ambush play.

    the best way to imagine it is your SMG infiltrator loadout dealing half the damage.

    granted i'm happy it has a long TTK it SHOULD be a niche weapon, not commissioner V2, One sidearm to rule them all.
  4. Eternaloptimist

    Yeah, same here - Exposure time is a bit high compared to a semi auto or burst pistol. The accuracy and range are good but I found myself tempted to engage at longer range, which was also pretty fatal (my bad).

    On the other hand, engineer (my main preference) with shotgun and emissary..............good at any range. Most of my emissary kills are from this class/loadout
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  5. TheFlamingLemon

    When doing this, do you usually run around with the emissary out when not inside a building or such or do you equip secondary as needed? Wondering how to best use this playstyle cause I plan on doing this to complete the shotgun and engineer directives
  6. CuteBeaver

    My first go with the Emissary was brutal. I was pushing it without adjusting my normal crossbow + stabby knife antics. I found the weapon to be lacking regarding executions with a knife. (We expected this - nothing shocking here.) You can COMMIT to headshot openers within 15 meters. If your ambush was clean / unexpected its usually pretty safe bet. The human reaction time of unaware enemy basically carries the pistol. Extra caution with heavies or super twitchy players. Its reasonable to score a few HSO against skilled opponents.The rest of your damage output is going to be from body shots. Making those body shots is where things get different....

    I had a breakthrough with the Emissary tonight when pretending like I had no quick-knife option available. By keeping a little bit of extra distance it was easier to track my targets and keep DPS on them while they were wiggling around. It didn't matter how much they wiggled the weapon was so very accurate. I just had to track them and wiggle back. I really feel like this weapon needs a disco ball helmet because it does well if you can evade some returning fire. Again headshot openers were REQUIRED. It doesn't have to be 100% headshots but even a few rounds before they wig out is usually enough to keep you in the clear. As long as you can keep that sustained fire on them its very likely you will win. (Obviously not frontal confrontations - but with element of surprise)

    I understand now why people keep referencing the Emissary to a pocket SMG. Think about it ... how often do we smg + knife? Stabbing with an SMG is not typically how most SMG kills occur. I have a couple of times opted for a panic knife. (Usually out of desperation when I was running the laser sight - out of ammo ) However when I got that close, my targets became increasingly difficult to track and it became harder keep sustained fire on the enemy. Knifing was literally making things harder for me when using this weapon.

    Tried the Emissary using the laser sight as well as the extended mags. If you are a player who primarily hipfires, or have very good ADAD dance moves the laser might be your thing. Personally I am using cover as my crutch to allow me to ADS and escape more then dance moves so I went with the extended mags. The extra bullets were not required to bring down an enemy. Headshot openers were required - no question but the extra bullets came into play more for attacking targets at medium ranges. I found by going for the extended mags I could pay for expensive kills and not feel the hit of the damage loss as distinctly at range.

    I didn't like the time to kill at range. It felt much more punishing then it needed to be. I felt like the cost per kill in terms of bullets shot up a bit much. In doing so it made the time to kill even longer and really put you at risk.

    Emissary really requires you to think a little bit differently. You can be close and go for HSOs your rewarded for being close like 15 meters as long as your able to hold down the trigger and keep tracking targets continously. Your rewarded for being sneaky and making expensive kills at range with its superb accuracy. Its hard to peg where this weapon falls exactly. Its really kind of exciting. With our semi autos tracking smoothly wasn't a huge deal. We could take the HSOs, be a little bit sloppy and line someone up then click like crazy once target was acquired. Emissary is sustained damage. I mean you can burst (which I do at range) but weapon is made for sustained automatic fire.
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  7. CuteBeaver

    It will be really interesting to see how this ends up. The Emissary kinda makes we want to reconsider Nanoweave + Laser sight just because the TTK is longer almost forcing you to take some returning damage when at around 15m. Nanoweave + Hipfire might cushion how much damage you sustain. Medkits were also allowing me to disengage and recover faster. Might be worth doing this setup when learning dance moves and skills that we normally don't express during an ambush.

    Alternatively I was having fun using Ammo Belt + Extended mags and making more expensive kills at range too. Enhanced targeting ended up allowing for selective kills and made me feel more confident picking off weaker enemies without the prolonged exposure.
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  8. Eternaloptimist

    I have the Emissary out when in the open or in big rooms when there is a chance someone is likely to open fire on me from a range too long to reply with a shotgun. In buidlings where someone could pop out from around a corner in close range I have the shotgun ready. As a rule of thumb I find anyone who does not look at least an inch tall on my screen is too far away to take on with the shotty. I try to gauege distance by reference to allies running about the place up ahead of me when I can. It works reasonably well - hope this helps.
  9. Ximinet

    NS Revolver is the solution,the Blackhand for example is a god on large distances and if u have good aim and hipfiring is good to kill at cqc,also Blackhand is good to pair with a shotgun if u use other classes. I didnt test the Emisary btw,maybe is a good weapon...
  10. Tormentos

    Stalking occupied targets within the fight is fun as well as rewarding with kills or assists and taking on tougher targets such as heavies 2vs1 evens the odds to the Stalker duo's favor. Engineers behind their mana turrets and snipers are most easy, I love to counter snipers by approaching them unseen and surprising them, sometimes even more than one. If they suffer tunnel vision and don't pay attention to their surroundings, they are easy prey for me.
  11. JobiWan

    I got it a few days ago and have been using it as much as I can with stalker cloak. I'm enjoying it, it's a fun weapon to use but it does require a change of tactics. It's like playing SMG infil but with a longer cloak and less firepower.

    I've found it works very well with EMP grenades and I've got a few 2 or 3 kills per mag when used with EMP.

    It's really not good using it head on as enemies have too much time to react and quite often I died even though I got the drop on them. One thing it's really good at is sustained fire as there's very little recoil and it's easy to track targets that panic under fire and try to run away.

    I'll be sticking with it as an option as I'm enjoying it, but probably failing more in ambush tactics than with the Blackhand or Hunter.

    Wrel has hinted on YouTube that they'll be a balance pass on it and even suggested holding off purchasing it until this happens.
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  12. Wargeist

    After more extended use I have to make adjustments to my previous opinion. There's simply no reason to use the Emissary over any other secondary. The TTK is simply far too high unless you have near aimbot levels of headshot accuracy on moving targets.

    Several times I hit enemies with EMP grenades and ambushed them from behind. They still had plenty of time to turn around and kill me. Maybe that's due to the large number of aimbot and ESP users in this game and I just happened to have a run of bad luck in choosing them as my targets. Ultimately it doesn't matter, because unless your target is clueless or already near death, the Emissary is going to fail you far too often to be viable in your loadout.
  13. CuteBeaver

    Weapon received some meaningful buffs on Public Test Server. Specifically worth mentioning the headshot multiplier was reduced to 1.8x down from 2x to compensate for higher bullet damage 112 --> 125. The change I am most thrilled for personally is the damage reductions at range being decreased. That should really help with making kills at range without being super exposed.

    Was: 9 shot kill @15m and 13 shot @60m
    Becomes: 8 shot kill @15m and 11 shot @60m.

    If you want to figure out what it would be at a specific range you can use this calculator instead of napkins.
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