Stalker Infiltrators - What do you think ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by customer548, Sep 25, 2015.

  1. Liewec123

    that might actually be handy, so next time i get shot from 30m while crouched and not moving i can definitely call BS XD
  2. Meeka

    Easy kills. By that, I mean, they are easy kills. :D
  3. Iridar51

    Well, normally "thinning" the enemy isn't required from the infiltrator. Not that they're not capable, but the surprise advantage isn't something that lasts for long.
  4. Turekson

    Yeah I guess it depends on what each individual requires of a certain class and it's true that LAs and such do the flanking attacks better for the most part, but if you create/find yourself a suitable situation you can drop a multitude of enemies with a smg/scout rifle infiltrator and plant motion detectors or hack terminal etc. in addition so it's a dual role. It's also true that surprise advantage doesn't last long but then you can disengage and approach again from different angle and at least so partly gain it back, a bit like LAs do but by cloaking and running (nano cloak + adrenaline pump ftw) instead of jump packs.

    My point is that stalkers are operating within a smaller niche and albeit performing generally better in it will encounter their limitations more often. Each of the infiltrators have their place but I find smg/scout rifle one to be the most versatile of them.
  5. Iridar51

    And my point is that smaller niche is why a squad leader would bring an infiltrator in the first place.
    SMG infiltrator is a more capable straight up fighter, but it's still 2nd worst after the stalker himself. Everything else stalker infil does equally well or better.
  6. Turekson

    Very true and I agree for a large portion of bases and terrain stalker does the designated infiltrator role better, but there are also many situations where they are not so viable and a smg/scout rifle infiltrator will perform both the role of a spotter and a fighter and so will be more effective. I tend to switch the load outs according to base/terrain or what the fight looks like.
  7. ParakeetLord88

    Stalker infiltrator is incredibly dangerous if the user takes the time to learn how to use it correctly and while doing this can help their side considerably. For example:

    1. Anti-sniper work. I've saved many lives on my team's side by assassinating snipers. They'll never know, but it's made a difference in various actions. By snipers I mean actual snipes but also engineer turreters and HA rocketeers. You know the damage they can do.
    2. Sunderer locating. If I lead a squad (easy to do) I can find cloaked or otherwise hidden sunderers and mark them for my allies to destroy.
    3. Spotting. I can spot while cloaked, and do. Done intelligently it can save teammates lives and prevent enemies from causing as much trouble. Particularly damaging to LA "fairies" who rely on surprise.
    4. Trapper/Device work. A stalker can place anti-personnel mines in places a hunter cloaker would not properly be able to. Same for using motion spotters and getting to terminals to hack them.

    Chasing after people on the front lines to ambush them is silly and not my job. I let the people on the front lines handle their business. I may be making their lives easier, but it's not directly related. Stalkers are not "twitch" players. They plan, they play smart. They don't make the most kills but can have an impressive KDR as they also don't die much once they know what they're doing.

    IMO hunter cloak barely lasts any time and is only useful when operating from cover in a mostly stationary manner. If you try to move around being forced to cloak and decloak you'll be letting everyone nearby know you're around. Stalkers do not have this problem and thereby are FAR more mobile than hunters.

    I'm not going to give much actual strategy as that would compromise my own activities but I will say that secondary weapons are exceptionally potent once you learn how and when to use them. I have more than one.

    TL;DR: Stalkers are support, and if done right make a big difference.
  8. Goretzu

    Pretty much perfect IMO, except for the cloaking bugs (when your head/weapon/silencer/whatever appears floating uncloaked in the air and dooms you). The problem is you have no way of knowing if you're bugged until you're shot.

    Other than that Stalker is pretty spot on, if you're careful about your positioning no one without a darklight should spot you (many times I've had whole platoons move into the room I'm in and not see me), and even in the open unattentive players shouldn't spot you stationary.

    In context with say a SMG inf it is a different still effective style of play, to be honest if anything I think it is more that the SMG Inf is a bit too good (I'd probably dial the visibility back a notch), rather than the Stalker Inf being remotely not good enough.
  9. Goretzu

    One of 3 things is probably happening there:

    1. you are bugged and a bit of you is not cloaked and visible
    2. someone is using ESP
    3. people with good settings saw where you stopped moving and just kept firing at that area

    Which to be honest being more invisible wouldn't help with, unless it was more running invis, which I think would be too powerful.
  10. Vurvu

    I can still see them.

    Just make them completely invisible and make everybody happy.

    Shooting a BR100 crouching in corners and remaining cloaked until they die because they know they're f-cked, is stupid; even without the Darklight.

    I want to be pretty damn scared to be caught indoors on my own and I hear that cloak sound go off. Not run toward their location just from sound location with a Trac-5 to really ruin their day and pray half the clip, and then empty the rest when something odd happens in a corner.

    Some Stalkers are pretty good and they've got me multiple times even when I know they're there. It's the knowing the makes it less of a thrill as the being at the receiving end. I just want it to jump out at me and scare me half to death.
    Now it's just "cloak noise" and "I was going to do that, now I'm focused on this."

    Probably just my way of thinking of it.