[Suggestion] Squad/Platoon Spotting

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NoXousX, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. NoXousX

    Idea: Give squad and platoon spots a different color .

    Purpose: It allows players to focus in on important targets and increases the potential for organized teamwork and play.

    Squad/Platoon Spotting Expanded Version:
    Individual Spots: allow players to set a color for spots from a specific player (i.e. your gunner)

    • Up x 2
  2. ExquisitExamplE

  3. Slyguy65

    Should be an outfit perk
  4. Cab00se187

    Not a bad idea but I'll add this idea in the fray for you to use. Try communication. It does wonders
  5. sSie

    I like the idea, but I always spam the Q key as much as possible as do a lot of people. Perhaps holding the Q key down over an enemy creates a high priority icon instead (squad only) to allow for focus firing etc...
  6. KAHR-Alpha

    "-Shoot that guy, next to a rock!
    - Which rock? I see a dozen"
  7. NoXousX

    From my perspective in the air that doesn't work so well oftem times. My outfit communicates quite effecively, but it isn't always enough for me.

    Hypothetical situation: I'm flying around scanning for targets and doing my best to provide air dominance, and I'll hear, "I need help with such-and-such just outside the building."

    At that point my priority is helping that person out, so I'll come soaring in hoping to provide close air support. The problem is the targets aren't rendered. So I wait... and I wait... and I wait hoping the players will render in time for me to discern between targets, pick out the right one, adjust my aim, and unload before it's time to get out dodge.

    Take that situation with squad spots: I shoot the pink target. Simple.
  8. Cab00se187

    Heh, I get it but that's just terrible communication. I personally use my own way points on enemy locations so that when I communicate i can give directions and how far away. And I don't mean terrible in a bad way. That's just your run of the mill FPS who like to play FPS games. Majority of the players who are really into their FPS's will communicate with the players they play with so they can gain that tactical advantage.
  9. NoXousX

    What about a laze system that puts a temporary WP on the map?
  10. Hwk

    I played a game that had something like that. Think it was Planetside 1 but i may be wrong.