Squad Deploy nerf exposes the horrible base design

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by jak, Nov 13, 2013.

  1. TheFamilyGhost

    I see manymore vehicles die to other vehicles than infantry. I gotta disagree with you thinking that infantry pose a greater threat, but let's carry that thought a bit further.

    If infantry pose a greater threat, why are you so afraid of having vehicles inside your base?

    The beauty of combined arms is that disparate weapon systems engage. Sometimes this means that weaweaker systems are overwhelmed by stronger ones. it isn't wrong- its reality.

    Spam wouldn't be an issue if you weren't in a spam zone.

    Wrong. You said it was dying without a shred of official evidence. You asserted something that only a weak mind would accept at face value. Then, you used that baseless assertion as a reason to present your ideas. It was a deflectiona way from your true motive: to make the bad man go away.

    Yep, sure do, and you got it. The piece you missed is where I say it is because of economics. the palyers that can't hack a few disappointments are also the ones spending the most money.

    Yep, SOE gave up the ghost of evolved gaming for money. Nothing new, and it won't stop.

    And that's what it all comes down to. You guys are a camper/campee squad.

    For a guy that understand the number of variations in play, you sure are eager to remove a ton of them.

    Nope, you presented it as a concession. You were on the right track though, because the road of arbitrary changes is full ofnothing but concessions to the next crier...its never-ending.

    BR100 comes with time. that is all.

    Yes, that's what I don't get! You can't hack tanks in your base, so you can't possibly be that good after all! Is your only recourse against tanks to come into the forums and beg that they be taken out of your spawn zone?
  2. TheFamilyGhost

    This whole thread is full of you saying you're afraid of tanks in your base, so it doesn't matter.
  3. Giggily

    Quote me saying this once.
  4. Flapatax

    So whatever we say we aren't the most, we are?

    Why hello there, unqualified bad player who doesn't know what ZOE is. I hear you're also chronically humiliated and rely on crutches for, essentially, everything.

    Check. Mate.
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  5. starecrow

    In general, yes.
    Surprise attacks with, say, 4 12/12 GSD Fury Sundies + Fracmaxes/Comet ZOEs are much harder to deal with when the shields are up, tho.
  6. jak

    Yep, that was the goal of my OP. Though I disagree about vehicles staring at control points... :)

    Comments inline:

    Good post, man. Like I said, I'm not necessarily pushing to make bases crazy defensible. I just want them to be viably defensible.
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  7. deggy

    Making Tank Mines immune to explosive splash might seem like a buff to them, but it would go a long way to help Sunderers against them. It would prevent the first mine explosion from setting off the second mine, so even if your suicide Engi got one detonated it wouldn't necessarily mean the end of your Sundy.
  8. TheFamilyGhost

    There ya go big fella.
  9. Flapatax

    Already did it. Get in the game, TheSlowlyGhost.

    Edit: Also, mine was a joke because I had no reason not to. You clearly know you have nothing on Giggles, so you fall back on snark in an attempt to censor through being wrong. Or something. I don't know what ghosts do.
  10. deggy

    Would you count me as someone who can kill vehicles in bases?

  11. jak

    I'm actually worried a bit more about infantry traps. Sometimes we do weird things like put tank mines at a choke point and shoot them when infantry comes through. This would allow you to stack a bunch of them and have progressive large scale explosions at these chokepoints. Stuff like that is what makes me a little leery.
  12. bPostal

    Then have them decon instead of exploding.
  13. jak

    How would you set tank traps?
  14. bPostal

    Same way you always have, place tank mines down and wait for a tank to drive over them. Shooting a tank mine to make it decon instead of explode doesn't impact its intended functionality.
  15. jak

    Oh, my fault. I thought you meant the explosion from a tank mine would make the other tank mines decon. I see what you're saying.
  16. Phrygen


    You put my taken-out-of-context quote back in your sig right now!

    I always thought tank mines should be thrown above an area, and a group of cluster bombs would drop around the area (maybe about 15-20 per mine), which would do much less damage, but serve as area denial. The tank driver would hit the first few, realize what was happening, and know that moving forward was assure death, without insta gibbing the driver. He would take some damage and be forced to reverse. While reversing, he would be vulnerable to rockets, and the tank couldn't advance onto infantry positions.
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  17. Flapatax

    You've been usurped by someone saying something in context. The mind boggles, and it needs to be shared with the world.
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  18. WyrdHarper

    On this tank mine thing, maybe we could simply give them oodles of health, so instead of being easily destroyed, you either drive around them or have an experienced engineer deconstruct them? It would go a long way towards making them more useful, although they'd likely be less useful in MAX traps (AI+AV mines in perfect harmony).
  19. Phrygen

    no. Mines are suppose to take awile to plant, and be invisible (or my idea of tiny low damage cluster mines/area of denial). The whole Frisbee throwing stuff is just dumb and a result of limited game design.
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  20. WyrdHarper

    That's what I mean in terms of not being easily destroyable-> There'd be no practical way to destroy the mines by shooting at them, so you couldn't use it as a frisbee C4. Since they've added in the ability for engineers at a certain level to deconstruct mines, this doesn't completely fate the sunderer to die even if they are thrown under there, like it did in the olden days. They're also already planning on changing it so that the farther you are from the mine when it explodes, the more damage it does (to be more effective against harassers)--they could extend the min damage to do a small amount if the vehicle was barely moving; ie if a sunderer slowly eased its way off the mines very carefully, they either might not detonate at all, or would do less than enough damage to kill it.