[Suggestion] Squad beacon quality of life changes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ruvan, Jul 7, 2014.

  1. Ruvan

    Having the beacon linked purely to the squad leader rank is hugely irritating and unnecessary. Tactical squads feel it necessary to throw the squad leadership between players to maximize beacon up-time (min/maxing and all that). However, if the actual squad leader does not have the in-game SL rank then they can't make use of features like squad waypoints and smoke, nor do they have a big shiny star above their head to make it easy for people to follow them and see their location on the mini-map.

    Suggestion: separate the beacon from the in-game SL rank. Allow the squad leader to delegate a beacon placer; like a PL assigns an SL. Furthermore, allow the beacon placer to pass this ability on to other people.

    Secondly, having to use the UI, which is sometimes unresponsive (especially for those with slower PCs), to give the beacon to someone else just makes for irritating game-play. Being the best player you can be should not involve micromanaging UIs.

    Suggestion: allow the SL the ability to put the squad in to beacon free-for-all mode. Beacon free for all mode allows everyone the ability to place a beacon, however, there is a short cooldown (perhaps 30s) for the entire squad when a beacon is placed.

    Obviously this needs to be a separate mode and not the standard, as public platoons and more casual outfits wouldn't have the discipline/coordination for this to be practical.

    Edit: yes DJSplendid, I stole your idea. Sue me :p.
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