Spotting is broken?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Obscura, Aug 11, 2015.

  1. Obscura

    I don't remember it being this crappy and buggy during the first 6 months of this game, now you can spam Q and spot maybe 3/10 targets and and they are spotted for like 3-5 seconds? wtf happened?
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  2. WeRelic

    There is a limit to how much you can spam the function now. I'm not sure if its based on how many people you actually spot, or what, but I know that there is a limit. After reaching that, you can't spot anyone for a few seconds. Someone else is likely better informed as far as the technical details go.

    Probably an attempt to lessen the information being sent by a single player. That Q spam may not make that big a difference on your machine, but with 100s of players doing the same thing, you can bet it'll affect the server after a while, especially during peak hours.
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  3. Klabauter8

    Yea, I noticed this too. This was always quite unresponsive to me, but today it was really bad for some reason. Good to know that it has a cool-down timer. I never knew that.
  4. Campagne

    I hate spotting in PS2 so much.

    You can be standing on a hill staring right at an enemy sunnderer, pressing "spot" over and over without actually spotting the giant van thing parked in clear view. :mad: Very frustrating.
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  5. Tommyp2006

    And yet you'll spot the ESF through the sundy and hill 900m behind it.
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  6. gartho33

    This is correct, with the current iteration any given person may pres the Q button up to 5 times without a successful spot, resulting in a short cool down.

    No limit save the limit of 5 consecutive unsuccessful spots.

    additional changes to the Q system are as follows:
    -Only friendly units within 75~100m of your current position will receive the Dorito over your target (save squad mates who seem to be around 300~400m).
    -Time that a target remains "spotted" is capped somewhere between 5-7 seconds (unless the target is an infiltrator and it cloaks, removing the spot).
    -EXP rewards are now given for spotting a target that is killed by a friendly unit *(who was able to receive the info (see point 1)). Squad mates provide a larger EXP bonus (~%50 more).
    -A short penalty of 5-7 seconds will be enforced on any individual who "spams" the Q spot feature (limit at this current time is ~5).

    *this does not count for infiltrator recon devices as any unit killed within the scanned area and are positively identified as targets grant the spotting EXP bonus.

    BONUS FEATURE (BUG): you can spot any target through any obstacle so long as the center of your reticle is on the center of your targets mass.

    fun side note: PlaneSide 2 currently does not support the word reticle with its spell checker.
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  7. Campagne

    Exactly. Every time.
  8. WetPatch

    Liberator in coming Q, Lib in coming QQ, Lib Q, Lib Q, QQQQQQQ, Tank Bust..... QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ DEAD.

    Team mate: " Why didnt you spot him"
  9. Diilicious


    Theres the enemy sunderer, Q... no really Q... *swarms of infantry coming towards you* QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ, why can nobody else see this sunderer? QQQQQQQQ*dead*