Spotting doesn't work while zoomed with scope?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DrBalls, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. DrBalls

    I've noticed while using the NC Longshot, that I cannot use the spot function while zoomed with the scope. Spotting works fine while unzoomed. Is it supposed to be this way?
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  2. Gamertech

    Spotting was overnerfed IMO While it did need to be nerfed a bit as you could spot every enemy in a base from a mile back, it has been nerfed to the point where you can't even spot a sunderer 10 meters away sitting in the open while looking right at it half the time...
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  3. -WHeaties

    I spot fine with the Longshot but it seems that you have to be right on target. Also something to note, spotting goes on cooldown if you miss a spot.
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  4. ForeFront0fFear

    I can Confirm that with the NC longshot Spotting Vehicles does not work while scoped in! Infantry spotting while scoped is inconsistent, The temporary solution is to unscope and tap q.
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  5. DrBalls

    I don't see the rationale behind nerfing the spotting ability. I mean, all you're doing is saying "hey, I see someone and I can identify them as an enemy." It's like nerfing someone's eyeballs. So, I can see very far with my scope. It's not like I have super powers that give me an unfair advantage.
  6. Redshift

    You used to just spam q in the direction of the enemy and everyone regardless of if you'd actually seen them got a dorito. It's better now, at least you actually have to have crosshairs on them
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  7. Nonsensei436

    It was a stupid nerf. If you appear within my field of vision i should be able to point you out to my teammates. Distance is irrelevant. The location of my targeting reticule is irrelevant. End of story.
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  8. FateJH

    Before the nerf, you could spam Q and scan the vicinity with your cursor. If it so hapepned to land on something, even if you shouldn't have been able to klnow it was there, e.g., hidden by foliage or shadows or such, then it would pick it out accurately. Aircraft could use the same trick to pick out unique enemy Infantry while flying towards a structure, even if they weren't close enough to clearly make out individual players. It was also less precise, such that my cursor only had to land somewhere near your person to pick you out. Basically, it was working so good without restriction it had become too good and revealed too much.
  9. 13lackCats

    Spotting should never work.

    This is Player vs. Player, not Computer vs. Computer
  10. DrBalls

    Completely agree. If i'm able to make a friend or foe determination by looking at my screen, that's all that should matter. Crosshairs shouldn't be necessary.
  11. fish998

    Yup, the way spotting works with vehicles now is dumb. The vehicle can take up a third of your screen, but there's one tiny section hidden somewhere inside it you have to get your crosshair onto to spot it. It's a really poor piece of game mechanics.

    It only happens when you're close to them though, it's much easier to spot vehicles at distance. It's like the 'spot zone' has a fixed size on your screen irrespective of distance to target or size of target. Their coders need to rethink how it works.
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  12. Piepants

    They may have over nerfed spotting, bu I disagree with this statement. Before an infiltrator could have an absolutely amazing hiding place in the crook of a mountain behind a rock and I'd discover him by just pointing in the general direction of the mountain and hitting 'Q'. I had no idea he was there, but now my whole faction knows.

    I think spotting should depend on distance. I should be able to spot as many people close up as quickly as I can. This helps keep the game fair due to faction color and camo discrepancies (giraffe camo, VS at night, etc) but also lets snipers stay hidden unless someone actually sees them and puts the cursor right over them.
  13. Nonsensei436

    Thats why infiltrators have a cloaking device.
  14. SilentSalvo

    I have no issue with having to be more precise when spotting. My problem is the inconsistency of it. I've had my cursor dead on target but q was like "nah bro, trololol".
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  15. BadLizzard

    although I agree it used to be too strong, I think that they nerfed it too much, I can be staring at an ESF through my Nemesis scope, can read the name tag and spam my Q and it will give me the warning "no no no" sounds.... I get locked out of spotting something that I can clearly see, ugh so frustrating
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  16. BlueSkies

    Two things. One, previously by spamming Q you could spot people you hadn't seen. Two, players made macros that spammed Q endlessly for them.

    Hence, nerf.
  17. Springheel Jack

    Spotting should be removed entirely anyway.