Splitting the Infiltrator class

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jester7x, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. MamboJambo23

    I don't see much of a problem with designated Sniper class as others do, but even if we had this class split, we'd have two classes with double the need for utility.

    As a reminder, I see many agree that Infiltrator class lacks small abilities, utility, and special toys. If we had a general input on unlockable certs, I think we can actually get somewhere - and if they are abundant, then we could probably talk about some split.

    There are a lot of sniper ideas out there, just to say.
    If there is one feature I'd be hoping for, it is a cert/Sniper-class specific of making killed targets unable to be resurrected. Probably OP, but having people being resurrected x-times in a game where there is extreme scope swaying with cancer lungs, hmm. :/
  2. SupaFlea

    What you say is true but if you remember what a Snipers biggest enemy was in PS1 a proper dedicated cloaker, Knife and Melee Boost. I was Knife cloaker/Support Hacker and Deconer in the first game and proud of it. I was a sniper also, and forcing a sniper to HAVE to rely on his hearing for his own survivability felt great. When you heard the alt mode of a Cloakers Knife while you in scope with a 1 shot bolt action weapon strapped to you face you tend to gulp.

    Cloakers had a purpose and sometimes if they were good enough a single cloaker that wasn't a kill whole could bring down a base long enough for the main force to get in. They had separation of the classes, the cloaker had no weapon because it couldn't carry enough ammunition for one in the small suit but mainly they were designed not to be able to take out any other class 1vs unless it was by surprise which is should be provided they get an actual beneficial working and useful cloak system.

    The Sniper had the advantage of using even HA armour bit in doing so lacked the ability to drive any closed cockpit vehicles. Both classes were very popular to different ppl and both required the opposite play.

    The class still needs some proper Infiltration certs and a Cloak is freely turned on and off with no power drain but only accessible to the Infiltrator and not the Sniper class. At current the Infil class plays out the exact same way the Sniper does in Ghost Recon Online, Cloak, line up you shot, uncloak.
  3. Jester7x

    So because YOU use it that way you want to make a blanket statement that everyone does? You're just as much at fault saying everyone doesnt play that ways as i could be for saying all people are just sniping. However my argument is based on my observation not only playing infil but watching other infiltrators. And i am rarely killed by an infil trying to get in a based cloaked. I would say that at least 99% of the time im sniped.