Spitfire spam?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rooklie, Mar 25, 2020.

  1. Rooklie

    If you don't see it, it wasn't meant for you to see !

  2. RRRIV

    the only ones who complain about spitfire spam are stalkers who dont want any challenge anymore
  3. ZDarkShadowsZ

    Hopefully that bug gets fixed soon. As much as it was funny at first seeing a zillion spitfires, it gets kind of annoying after a while.
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  4. LodeTria

    it's already been patched
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  5. iPug

    At first, I thought it was my system or account. I redeployed, logged-in, logged-out, and it still let me have multiple spitties. I figured it must a new feature with the recent update. My mommy and daddy spitfires love each other very much and since they're on a lockdown due to coronavirus, they had many spitty babies. I must have deployed over 50 at one base. Only did it one time, but it was funny to see people try to get out of spawn tube and have to hop over those spitfires. It was fun while it lasted.
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  6. Liewec123

    hell no! one EMP, hack em all and rejoice at your own little army!
    i only wish they didn't vanish after a minute once you've hacked em!