Spawn point and the map

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by mr.Tarakanov, Oct 17, 2018.

  1. mr.Tarakanov

    Well, i want spawn on [BlueTeam1] Sunderer.
    Where exactly i will respawn on the map? I need to check all of them manually to find correct one? It's a joke?
  2. PlanetBound

    Well. You know your location, the distance of the Sunderers, and where you want to go. Choose the Sunderer closest to where you will walk to your destination.
  3. adamts01

    This system could definitely use some streamlining. I often deploy in to the wrong Sundy when we've finished capping a base and are on the way to the next fight. The display options should be shown on the map, or maybe highlighted on the map as you mouse over options in the list.
  4. mr.Tarakanov

    Exactly! This is obviously. And current system is so annoying...
    Really? Then i want to see compass and ruler on the map. Is this arcade shooter or Silent Hunter VI? :)
    But developer would rather add new pink camouflage instead of solving real problems.
    • Up x 1
  5. JibbaJabba

    Aye, I'll add this to a quality of life list I'm building.

    That said, the workaround for now is one of..
    Top to bottom is closest to furthest from where you last were.
    I typically double click a sundy to use it, not from the list.

    Where it really fails things for me:
    When there are several SQUAD sundies. I want the one right *there* that is traveling down the road towards the base.
    Ug, the UI almost fights me during that process.
  6. mr.Tarakanov

    No, not all green Sundies on map are available for spawn.
    In this game you spend 50% time to fight enemies and 50% to fight interface.
  7. PlanetBound

    Great question. When choosing a location to spawn, the map window will always display your view with north at the top of the screen, west to the left, and east to the right.

    For your other concern, the map window also has a utility which can display the map with grid lines. Each grid line has a static designation of a letter and number. Say a friend asked for your location to pick you up in a Valkyrie. You could say "I am at C8." Or you could say 8C. Doesn't matter.
  8. mr.Tarakanov

    Ok, but can you answer on a question from my first message? It's not rhetorical.
    Also mind that they all are constantly moving, i can move too and all distances and directions changes rapidly.
  9. FateJH

    Before I even get to that, I'd like it if the image actually linked to the image itself and not to some .ru site.

    The Sunderer you have selected is about the same distance from where you are as compared to Hvar Physics Lab, which is far to the South off your map. Unless the UI is covering it up, the [BlueTeam1] Sunderer has good chance of not being visible on the current map.
  10. PlanetBound

    First Question: "Where exactly i will respawn on the map? I need to check all of them manually to find correct one?"