[BUG] Spawn Beacon Timer

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Roklut, Jan 7, 2013.

  1. Roklut

    I cannot spawn on any spawn beacon as it says 23d remaining. Very weird. It has been like this for about a week now.
  2. Daedrick

    Yeah I know, its great isn't it.

    Happens with weapon trial, vehicule spawn, redeploy and instant action also. Lots of fun!
  3. Roklut

    Yeah, it is nice when they screw up minutes for days.
  4. Ronaldspiers

    That's why my outfit uses Spawn Bacon. Spawn Bacon is much more reliable.
  5. Morpholine

    It's a bug, and also occasionally affects trial timers on weapons and a few other timers.

    Submit a ticket in game, and a CSR should be able to help.
    • Up x 1
  6. Roklut

    Thank you, Vanu scum!
