I have long been against the proliferation of easy spawning in the game. I was hoping that DBG would reign in this mass-migration idiocy but alas, they seem to have doubled down. There are many things I personally would like to see changed with the spawn system, but on to the point of this rant. With the change that spawn beacons being deployable by ANYONE in the squad, I have come to think that the purpose of spawn beacons should be remade. We already have stable spawns into areas not easily accessible with AMS via Valkyre and Galaxy. So beacons could be the short-n-sweet "SURPRISE!" option. Beacons should be made effectively "one use". Once deployed, everyone in the squad has ONE spawn on the beacon and/or if left active has a life span of at most 30 seconds to a minute. The purpose of the Beacon is to get the squadies into the fighting area ASAP but not become a discount AMS. This would also have an effect on the deployment and effectiveness of beacons put down in places that are near impossible to get rid of.
Don't disagree. That said, I do rather like the light show at some bases these days. But, yeah, its a tad on the overkill side