Spam is spam is spam..

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by yama, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. yama

    Hello SOE,

    We appreciate what you were trying to do when you moved the capture-spam from a popup to the chat window....
    but for the love of god let us turn it off or even better, add a "system" chat box where all your neat little messages go.

    Who thought it was a good idea to move spam from where it can be ignored into the chat-box of all things deserves a pie to the face.

    Oh well. Back to enjoying the new content. patch.. erhmm.. "Game Update".

    Best regards
    • Up x 1
  2. CaptainYamerica

    OT: love the name
  3. GSZenith

  4. Swinefludude

    I agree 100%, fix it pleaseee..

  5. KenDelta

    Expected something like "Striker spam!!"..
    But yes it's annoying as hell!
  6. deggy

    Can we at least translate them into my client's language??

    Warning me about cheating in German will not stop me from cheating. It will make me wonder how bad your localization is.
  7. haldolium

    Both are... :p