Sorry NC, but I can't take it anymore.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Badboss, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. Littleman

    The other guy suffers the same horror if you're pelting him first. The time between gauss rounds isn't magically long enough that the enemy makes a full recovery in accuracy where as in return NC don't get that luxury. The thing with gauss weaponry is that it's not newbie friendly: you have to know the recoil pattern and precisely counter it. The CoF of Gauss weaponry is ridiculously tight however (except maybe the SAW.) I don't burst $#!%, I full auto and they drop much faster than I ever could manage with a cycler, which does have an inherently worse CoF even if the recoil is easily manageable. CoF > recoil. I can't tighten the initial spread with skill, but I can keep my cross-hairs on the target with skill.
  2. RockHarder

    look more bads complaining about the NC weapons

    my rank 14 with 2.42K/D NC shows if you don't suck - and I mean, suck - at FPS, you'll be fine.

    if all you have played is CoD style corridor shooters with no recoil, prepare to get owned
  3. Xae

    Per Class whatever weapon does more damage is shooting less accurately. Based on the ROF you will generally see who has doing the most damage and who is more accurate changing hands bullet by bullet for the first 5-10 seconds if fire.

    I'm normally the first to call "********" on people saying "Things are balanced" (LOL BRIGHTWIZARDS LOL), but when I look at the math behind PS2 they put a lot of thought into it.

    Now one "balance" issue I do have is that all the LMGs are too good. They pretty much displace Assault Rifles and Carbines. They are great in all situations and I think they should be good in all situations, but great in none.

    To me the biggest hint that balance isn't out of whack is the Orion and the Carv. How many threads complaining about the Carv have their been? Many, well into the dozens by now. Yet how many about the Orion? They have the exact same amount of damage, recoil, rate of fire and CoF Bloom. But people are complaining about the Carv.

  4. RockHarder

    What imbalance? There is an interview up with the weapons designer, it ain't changing anytime soon

    I recommend practice
  5. Xonal

    I imagine that will be next on the agenda once empire vs empire weapon TTKs are normalized. Carbines are too good at range, LMGs are too good in CQC and at range. No weapons seem to really have a distinctive roll in that regard, irrespective of which empire you look at them on. But right now, when you have strict empire weapon limitations you simply can't have differences in TTK between them, even the 0.2 seconds that some of the VS weapons are behind TR is not acceptable and too many nabs completely underestimate the significance of exactly how big of a deal that 0.2 seconds is to know just how absurd the 1 second difference on some of the NC weapons truly is.
  6. QuantumMechanic

    Pretty much this.

    It's funny how there are more complaints about NC needing a buff than any other faction. What these people don't realise is that the NC have the highest damage potential of all factions for infantry weapons. However you need to be accurate and understand your weapons strengths and weaknesses.

    Also the NC have the most powerful empire specific vehicles, the Vanguard and the Reaver.

    NC are not underpowered at all. Like the OP, if you have problems with NC, roll TR which is more new-player friendly with their high rate of fire but less damage. Maybe once you get used to the game then give NC another try.
  7. Baby

    Yep, and until then a lot of us have discovered vehicles. We were getting stomped hard for a good week by both factions(I was getting frustrated), but then we started making huge caravans.

    Until our weapons are fixed, vehicles are key. And Sundys win battles as I always say in game. Get your AMS and help NC win. That's all it really takes a lot of times. Too often people will only focus on Lightnings and Vanguards when the battle calls for well placed Sundys for flanking and quick respawns to overwhelm the enemy.
  8. doorap

    CoD style no recoil weapons is pretty much what TR and VS are using.
  9. Suien Reizo

    And yet you'd probably be higher if you were TR or VS.
  10. QuantumMechanic

    Here's the problem: to play the NC most effectively you have to be a pretty advanced FPS player. However the ideology of the NC attracts... less disciplined minds.
  11. CheeseN!P

    The grass is always greener on the other side
    • Up x 1
  12. RockHarder

    I haved a rank 18 TR with K/D 1.87 ; anecdotes are not a good way to figure out balance. I wasnt sure which to spend money on, so I played each for awhile. I will probably stick with the NC so I can continue to show people the guns don't suck.


    and the NC vehicles are head and shoulders above TR - the Vanguard is so good compared to Prowler..
  13. Syphix

    Why is there always this assumption that you (as NC) are being killed by a player that is holding down their trigger? As Vanu I know I cannot hit **** after the first burst, the CoF increases so rapidly that accuracy is affected rapidly. Even in close quarters I have to burst fire despite going up against other factions that can afford to full auto it. Every faction has its up points and down points, and a good player will excel no matter what he is faced with. I have been killed by good NC players and I have been killed by good TR players, both times I have felt angry and fallen into the mindset that it can only be because their weapons are OP (although the Carv is a joke at times :p)

    Either way take comfort in knowing that you have better vehicles than the other factions, the magrider got nerfed in the ground imo that its more like a tickle-mobile.
  14. Xae

    Many VS weapons actually have faster TTKs than TR weapons, but no one complains about the VX-67.

    There is no weapon category where NC is 1 full second slower in TTK. Despite NC Claims to the contrary their guns are more accurate. While they kick/bloom more per bullet but they fire less bullets and it nets out to less kick and bloom.

    If you factor in the Unlockable Guns and rank by TTK:
    NC is .25 seconds a head in Pistols
    NC is .01 seconds behind the VS in Carbine TTK
    NC is .03 seconds behind the TR in Assault Rifle TTK
    NC is .30 seconds behind the VS in LMG TTK
    NC is a head 1.1 seconds in Heavy Assault Weapons.

    If you average it out NC is slower by .09 seconds across all categories, and VS has the best weapons, by a mile.
  15. Xonal

    I know there are VS weapons with lower TTK than TR weapons, I wasn't trying to create a tally between empries - my example was more to try and illustrate how many people seem to write off a 0.2 second difference in TTK as if it's nothing, when actually when you're dealing with weapons with a 1-2 second TTK in general it's actually a pretty big deal.
  16. Badboss

    Problem is, people want a fair game, or at least perceive that it is fair. If enough people deem the NC as a garbage clan, then you will always be on the losing side of the war. Now, I am not wanting NC to be gods, but their weapons need a slight adjustment. What good is stronger firepower when 3 of your 6 rounds will miss in a "controlled" burst. Are they beyond hope? No, but very few people like to play as the underdogs. In MMO's all across the board, the strongest class will always have the most players while the weakest will have the fewest.
  17. Steppa

    I'm not familiar with the CS mods you're talking about because, despite the otherwordly popularity of that game (maybe because of it) I found it full of children, cheaters, and, frankly, boring, repetitive game-play. There's my obligatory CS condescension out of the way; now to the matter at hand :)

    If you're talking about a script or such that streamlines the buying process or pre-loads certain configs, that's not what I would consider min-maxing. That's just smart gameplay in a twitchy environment. Min-maxing, to me, is the endless striving to squeeze every last ounce of joy out of what's supposed to be a game by theorycrafting the underlying math in a game's mechanics in order to get every little bit of + and to minimize every little - to the nth degree.

    I ran into it in Anarchy Online first back in, oh 2001 or so. While I was very interested at first, but quickly realized that knowing and understanding what the min-maxers were doing simply ruined the game for me. There are plenty of arguments and debates over weapons and perks and such on FPS forums, especially lately as the FPS genre complexity ramps up thanks to persistent profiles and unlocks. However, I've never seen them rise to the level that the MMO grognards take it to. As with everything else FPS/MMO, Planetside sits astride so we'll get some of that here, but I just don't see it in the FPS games I typically play like those in the MW and BF francises.
  18. Riftmaster

    Now, now, don't go all political on us.

    But IMO, NC can do (and has done in my experience) well. It may be that some of the default weapons are bad compared, but I've still had good K/D ratios if I flank and such. Attacking TR or VS head on in an infantry vs. infantry battle tends to be more problematic

    Flanking, using vehicles to counter their infantry, and better players behind the weapons all tend to even out the playing field…even against superior numbers, sometimes.
  19. Xonal

    I'm sure you will be disgusted to learn in BF3 or Bad Company 2 or w/e FPS game you played there was a most optimal config in weapons / perks to run with depending on situation and less optimal configs. So enjoy ruining your BF experience with such knowledge mwuahaha.

    But yeah, I'm not arguing if it makes a game more or less fun to know or obsess over such stats - I imagine thats more down to the individual. But it's there, it exists in any genre of game and is pretty much just all about determining the most optimal/efficient ways of playing. If you play for the sheer enjoyment of the game and don't care about such things, more power to you, you can't just deny it's existence though based upon how you feel about it.
  20. Baby

    I agree with some of your points and have posted the same advice, but I will also say that NC weapons require way more thinking and effort than the other factions weapons which isn't fair.

    I have to work twice as hard for every kill, then 1 TR or VS finds our Sundy and walks away with at least 5 kills. If I walk up to a Sundy I'm lucky to get one kill.

    Obviously something is wrong and it's ridiculous for people to be saying NC is just bad. It's not hard to aim, it's the amount of recoil, and bloom.

    I shouldn't have to switch to using explosives to get kills, but since I have I find the certs rolling in. I've popped people off cliffs with unguided rockets from a launcher very far away, yet it's hard to get a 1 on 1 kill with a fully upgrades rifle when I fired first? Yeah, ok.

    TR or VS flips around and holds the mouse down. I die. If they return fire I'm dead. I shouldn't have to make sure I'm behind them and ready to headshot to get kills. It's definitely broken and I'm glad the devs finally noticed and are planning to fix it.

    Until then I'll keep 1 shotting with my grenade launcher and frantically giggling while running away to resupply myself(engi).