Soooo, with ScatMAX gone, what is NC supposed to do in CQC?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheUprising, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. Antich

    I wouldn´t call 20% more score/min, 10% K/d ratio more and 4% more accuracy about the same but it´s a matter of opinion. Very hard to compare anyway, as 100 and 200 kills is not much of a thing to go by. We would need to stats for a whole server while using comparable weapons to see what overperforms and what underperforms.
  2. Morpholine

    Bear in mind, both alts are sub-BR 20. A relative handful of deaths makes for a large-ish swing at those levels.
  3. Antich

    I was editing exactly that in the upper post :p
  4. Stubek

  5. daxed

    This thread wastes space in the forum. OP has not even used the weapons post-patch. Just whining like a child. If you actually used a ScatMAX you'd see the TTK is the same for a single target. Only multiple target TTK has increased. In other words, it kills masses of enemys just as fast (or slow) as the other MAXes instead of excelling at single target and multiple target by far.
  6. kodaitaNC

    We don't get super high RoF LMGs, they don't get 200 dmg weapons. Pretty fair trade off imo. I tend to use a Razor or GD-7F in CQB. I win more often than I lose. We tend to be a lil better at long range, they are a lil better in CQB. However it's close enough that it really does come down to who saw who first, and player skill/reaction time.
  7. TheUprising

    Not really a weapon analysis, but still relevant:
  8. Frosty The Pyro

    and you never need to use something other than the orion either, doesnt meen its always the best for the job. Saws are GREAT at long range stand off combat. They have very poor hipfire and are generaly inferior in CQC. Which is what the OP was talking about.
  9. Antich

  10. TheUprising

    Yes we do get high RoF weapons, I don't know what you are on about. We get the GD-7F, which has higher RoF than any TR carbine. Just functionally due to high bloom/reload time it is not up to par with the Jag or VX6. We are even with the other factions in terms of high RoF assault rifles. Why don't we have a high RoF LMG then? High RoF is not a faction specific trait, with the exception of the TR's armstice SMG.
  11. Erik

    Your perfectly fine in CQC,I know because I have have been playing 50/50 Vanu and NC. If i am loosing a fight it isnt because of my gun on either character. The Orion has a slight advantage in very close ranges of CQC compared to other LMGs but the GD-7f, GR-22, and SMGs will outperform in ranges where its strength shines and they are all up to par with their empire equivalents. EM6 and Anchor are great guns as well if you want to bring LMGs into an argument about ranges where they aren't very relevant.

    LMGs are still relevant indoors at further ranges, but at that point you are outside the range where the Orion shines and other LMGs perform better.

    Again, the guns are close enough that the better shooter will win if they are using the same class of weapon. You can argue that the Orion has an advantage in the LMG department but the SAW with out a doubt has the advantage at med and long ranges, and does not have other classes of weapons overlapping its role as the orion does. The scatt max did not balance the tables either, nor was it designed to. It was simply fallowing in the steps of its predecessor by using shotguns, which are awful to balance in low ttk games. Insta gib mechanics are just bad mechanics however you look at it.

    Regardless of all that, we haven't even seen what changes are coming.
  12. TheUprising

    I'm just saying. We don't have one good CQC LMG. Maybe in the devs' minds the Jackhammer was supposed to balance this out. LOL.
  13. Peebuddy

    yay, maybe now NC biolabs will change hands once and a while
  14. Revanmug

    -I once kill 15 people in a min by just knifing randoms around a sunderers. Knife must the best tool evar!
    -I often kill several people in a row with my magshot. That thing is clearly the greatest cqc weapon!
    -I unscope people with the Longshot. Clearly more effective at cqc than anything else.

    I swear, the TR from Waterson should stick to learning how to be effective ingame rather than on the forums.

    Are people suppose to be impress? Because it's pretty terrible.
  15. Ghosty11

    You can call them dumb, but you have to send some fodder into the CP room to make the scatMAX reload so you can actually kill him.
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  16. altonyc

    Looks like the pump-actions will still be able to comfortably OHK with body shots.
  17. Beartornado

    No seriously, posts like this are tired and used way too goddam much.

    Don't know about other servers but on Mattherson taking an NC bio lab is about as difficult as a VS or TR bio lab assuming that each side has about the same defending and attacking. They shift hands all the time, and more often than not VS tend to cap the bio lab near our warpgate (not so much TR because VS are too busy capping their stuff too).

    Stop acting like NC MAX so overpowered. TR and VS MAXES perform the same functions an NC MAX does through different tactics.

    NC MAX was built to quickly dispatch enemies at the cost of small clips and slow reload times- failing to make an enemy waste time respawning while we reload and repair means we fail to suppress.

    TR and VS MAX were built to stay a distance from the enemy but lay down suppressing fire to keep them from exiting unless they want to be instantly shredded. They won't be getting as many kills, but rather make it incredibly intimidating for the enemy to enter the bio lab.

    Of coures the NC has more score though, because you don't get points for suppressing your enemy with concentrated fire where they might be, but you do get points for instantly killing them where they are.

    Both forms of defense can be broken with an organized push that will require some sacrifice on the attacker's part. The only real issue with the NC MAX was how it performed in smaller battle scenarios where the TR and VS MAX do not perform nearly as well. However this is a war in case you forgot, many battles will be larger in scale, in which case both maxes can be used to great effect. That part was never imbalanced.
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  18. Ghosty11

    Apparently it OHK's infantry with less damage and thus is less effective, so why bother using it any more. :rolleyes:
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  19. Soundmonitor

    Sorry but Zerg vs Zerg CQC NC will always win, when you rush TR/VS MAX's it only takes a few LA's and HA's to rush in and take them out due to the medium TTK we have, as TR the cycling kills us unless we pre-fire, but pre-firing means we lose our bullets faster and require to reload faster, fine Ill take out 1 LA jumping at me while the HA's and the other LA rushing me will get the C4 or rocket punch in my face.

    Tried to do the same tactic with the NC MAX in CQC it aint happening due to the 0 sec TTK, an NC MAX can destroy a squad in seconds...
  20. kodaitaNC

    I never said we don't get high RoF weapons. I said we don't get high RoF LMGs. Both TR and VS get at least one 750 RoF LMG, we don't. However we get 200 damage LMGs, they don't. They get something, we get something.