Sony snubbed Planetside 2 for PS4 in E3 so no hype!!!!!. RIP PS2, no more getting saved via PS4!!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by G.O.A.T, Jun 12, 2014.

  1. -Synapse-

    This may be true. . . but then we certainly aren't seeing the fruits of their funding, as it were.
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  2. Ken Photon

    Where do people get the data saying that PS2 makes the most money for SOE? I'm not trolling, I would just like a link or something, because I'm really not seeing it. I had the impression that DCUO would be the one that makes the most money with all those DLC packs...
  3. vanu123

    Planetside 2 is SOEs largest money maker by a huge margin
  4. Ken Photon

  5. vanu123

    More than likely yes
  6. IamnotAmazing

    are you capable making a thread without a caps only title?
  7. LT_Latency

    I doubt it there was ALOT more servers and there were all full at that time.

    But i guess sony PC line up is lack luster so maybe
  8. DxAdder

    While it may be successful as a PC title, we are talking about Planetside 2 as PS4 game.
  9. Eyeklops

    Was that a recent FNO? Pops have went downhill bigtime, if PS2 is still the top money maker, I bet it has certainly lost ground to the contenders in the last year.
  10. xboxerdude

    It is pretty sad that we are seeing these awesome opportunities wasted by sony. I am really excited for an actual competitor to be made. And MMOFPS to take off as a genre in the mainstream
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  11. G.O.A.T

    Thats right when the game came out lol....When it had more of population.

    Also it doesn't matter that is more profitable.....Sure it can be more profitable but who gives a damn if they don't reinvest into the game by adding content.

    Since December 2012, we only gotten 1 vehicle(harraser) and no continents....We gotten weapons with different stats but essentially most of the guns arn't huge content at all.
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  12. NC supporter

    SOE is owned by Sony. Sony can at any time disband Sony when they deem the investment on SOE was not worth it. They would most likely pull resources off of SOE products for use on PS4 which generates lots of revenue.
  13. EvilUnicorn

    If SOE I don't know, how about get their heads together and actually fix broken parts of gameplay and revamp how battles flow from one to the next, PS2 might just be able to come out of beta enough for the PS4. But if the PS4 version is released in the broken state that is anything like the current PC version and combined with SOE's habitual delaying problem, just imagine the wasted opportunity.
  14. ViXeN

    The PS4 players will probably get "Aim Assist" like on most other FPS games.
  15. vanu123

    Continent locking and resource revamp will be soon though.
  16. G.O.A.T

    That isn't new content....Basically these last 2 years have been correcting mistakes.

    The whole revamping continents to include lattice was basically fixing a mistake.

    I want new content.....1 map and 1 vehicle in 2 years is embarrassing.....
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  17. Bape

    Nope I can ensure you guys the PS4 version will get a huge playerbase im 100% sure it will have over 1million players playing. War thunder did not get no advertisement and got a ps4 announcement just a week away from it launching on the ps4. Right now the majority of my friends are constantly playing war thunder/warframe/Retribution. However other games like warframe etc did no advertising and they have a huge player base.
  18. xboxerdude

    yea ps4 kiddies will flock , it just sucks it could have been a hit so much sooner and been much bigger. Honestly every kid with a ps4 is going to be justifying why he got a ps4 versus the kid who got an xbone and will talk about planetside2.