Something I noticed

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TeknoBug, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. TeknoBug

    I haven't spent much time playing in the past week or so, very little playtime since the hotfixes last week until yesterday and today. Something I noticed, when during the day you turn towards the sun you notice a glare (that's if you have high/ultra settings) which is normal, but at night time the glare is still there and makes seeing other players very difficult, I TK'd some people because I couldn't tell what side they were from, the glare is as if I have to rub my eyes to clear them up, closing the window blinds helped a little but I didn't have this problem until the recent hotfix.

    Is anyone else noticing it or is it just me thinking something changed?
  2. Madmojo

    Try turning shadows on. But it that eats FPS
  3. LowTechKiller

    Don't forget that glare is visible inside, bouncing off floors even when there aren't any windows, so use it to your advantage. When capping a point, put glare to your back and cover the approach routes.
  4. TeknoBug

    Yeah I already have shadows on and fog shadows, it's still there at certain angles. Like I said it seems to have just appeared in last week's hotfix or something, I don't remember ever noticing glare at night.
  5. MattGL

    Closing your blinds helps? rofl

    Have you moved your monitor in the last week? ;)
    • Up x 1
  6. AlphaMiC

    Nerf the sun!
    • Up x 1
  7. TeknoBug

    No, computer desk been in the same spot for the past 8 years, normally I don't have to close the blinds on my window when playing games but the light from the window seems to add to the ingame night time glare which didn't happen before GU14. Anyways, it seems to be random and occasional, played for a while last night and half the time during night and only saw it once.
  8. jihon83

    Something "interesting" is going on with the game. I haven't messed with the settings on my current version of the game, but there's a notable difference in brightness between the launch screen where you select characters and the actual gameplay. It seems like it's part of the recent GU, but that's just the cherry on top of a sundae of crap GU 14 is causing for me.