After some weeks without any Patch we finally got one. I would like to share some words about the Patch. The Implant System is live and with it there are huge bugs and problems raising. First of all players got notice of a drop cap that has never communicated anywhere. Players from my Outfit report that they played for hours without getting any Implants and Rechargers, even if they didnt get any on that day befor. The problem around this could have simply be solved if XP at the PTS VR would have been activated, like it was suggested on the forums. But like most suggestions it was completely ignored, including the ask for a keybind to enable/disable the Implants. Also on that matter its noticeable that alot of the players use Regeneration 1 or 2. The new Assault Rifles are also live now and i have to ask what exactly you did? The VS AR was a range weapon on the last PTS build (Compensator, Advanced Forward Grip, HVA) and also had a 3 round Burst. The version that got live is a cheap copy of the H-V45. The complete change in the build up was also not communicated and was never on PTS for testing (why do we even have the PTS?). The Baron is also live and has a Bug with its 2x Reflex, i was forced to buy it 3 times to this point, i hope i get my Certs back.. The new sounds are, well nice for Tanks, but having grenades sound like a 150mm Artillery Shell hit the ground is not what i think is good. The nef to Scout Radar is also live and you lie to us telling us that the description was false, if you nerf it be honest and say you nerfed it and why instead of lieing. Not even one important Bug was fixed, instead we got even more Bugs. The Hitdetection seems to be partialy out of work again. The position tracking Bug (aka the Immortal Bug), that lets players link with Bases is stil inside, so part of the game is still heavily broken as players cant see points in the Bases they got linked to. Also players still count as near a point if they are allready far away. The GSD is still not fixed. And we got a new Bug that lets Vehicles warp away if the driver changes.
What i forgot the Cert Menu is completely gone and all stuff is now decentralized. There is no longer a central point where you can see all Certs and what you get for them.
The most constructive feedback I can offer is that I am dissatisfied with this product. I will absolutely not be spending a cent on any of it.
Rare footage of a PS2 developer in action Well, not really. Programming on a schedule to a hoard of ravening gamers and budget bludgeoning is hard. Try to test things more. Please.
There's also Lag compensation that screws people with good stable connections and FPS drops... I mean... What you mention are merely the most prominent issues right now, PS2 is in quite a bad state IMHO. The basis of it seems to work(Though I doubt it is balanced well or thought through) but it is falling apart at the seams, having technical difficulties so to speak. I wonder how fast they'd sort most of that out if those of us who do, stopped paying, in protest. As for the weapons, I think the TORQ which I rolled with, is a rich Medic's TAR/TRV(Those feel absolutely the same to me, miniscule differences even after SOE changed them a bit). At least in my hands it feels that way. I'm saying this because it is tame enough for a TR weapon. I'll be using it and I think(So far) it should not be changed even if it's close to being redundant. To elaborate on that last bit, in the Cougar's case for example I can see where it fits in TR's arsenal even if I ended up not liking it(Certainly better than the AMC IMO). I'm not sure where the TORQ fits, between the T1, the SABR, the TAR and the TRV. So including the SABR here may be stretching it but you get my point. It's still more than "OK" if you ask me. Can't say much about the NC and VS rifles, haven't bought them yet. The new SFX are OK by me, I never used Grenades so much as to be annoyed by this. If it's that bad for some though, I suggest creating a new SFX for them. Don't put the old one back in, it had no depth nor feeling. I tried the Baron, didn't see Frag Rounds :/ And I didn't see any Shield Regen for the Medic either :S What's up with those? In any case it's such a shallow, bland weapon that if it performed slightly worse I'd completely ignore it. Right now I'm thinking it could work well instead of my Barrage. We all got that for free so I can't complain that a new weapon feels like it is performing slightly better. Implants... No On/Off = THEY SUCK, it's that simple. Plus, a lot of them should have been Class Abilities/Cert Lines/Items, and some are things they took away just to add later. LEL. I think this was all bad. RANT I don't want to sound mean but if I were to measure your words based on our encounters on average(Xebov, BR100@Woodman? Mostly flying, Lib turret I think?), I would not agree on problematic Hit Reg being your problem. I'd tell you to strive to improve your Infantry performance a little bit more, then blame it on HitReg if the problem persists despite your performance... Just that your complains coincide with our encounters in a BioLab on Esamir earlier... If you're that Xebov, that is. No offense. /RANT