Some Observations I've Made while Fighting DA

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Megaman3300, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. Megaman3300

    This is just a list of things I've found while fighting against DasAnfall on Mattherson from the point of view of a Light Assault. I hope you guys find this at least slightly helpful.

    LOADOUTS (Applies to TR Light Assaults)
    T5-AMC decked out for mid range combat (3.4x DMO, HVA, Comp, DFG)
    Jaguar decked for CQC (1x IRNV, Adv. Laser, Suppressor, SPA), or Armisitice w/ Extended Mags
    TRAC-5 S with UBGL. DA is cheap, be cheap back.
    2. when outnumbered, RUN and get help from friends. If fighting DA, call for assistance over leader chat. Someone will want to help.
    3. Keep the corners checked, Vonic, Yuukikun, and AnimosityVS like to hide in them, and these three are the deadliest of DAs forces.
    4. Medics and AnimosityVS are priority targets.
    5. They can dodge better than you. Flank them while they are under fire.
    6. They can aim better than you, take them by surprise.
    7. When behind them, don't open fire, drop C4 and RUN
    8. They are ALL running NW5 and Resist Shield. Resist shield halves damage taken, giving 2500 effective health. 20 bullet kill for the Armistice (about 1.2 secs)
    9. Aim high on the torso, but not directly at the face. This will increase the number of bullets that you land, and the COF bloom will make bullets hit their heads.
    1. Medic rush.
    2. They make extensive use of the NS-11C and SVA-88, presumably due to their high clip sizes and accuracy. They can out-aim you under ideal cirumstances, primarily due their skill in ADADing. Practice fighting targets that ADAD, and fighting using ADADing.
    3. They take potshots from corners, and use medkits almost exclusively over C4 to heal themselves and stay in the fight as long as they can. This is how they get insane K/Ds.
    4. DA has a core group of about 6 people, and usually runs about a squad during weekends and primetime.
    5. They fight primarily during RL night. If you play in the afternoons, then you won't have much of an issue fighting coordinated DA, because that simply doesn't exist.
    6. Below 10m, almost none of them ADS due to VS weaponry having an inherently tight COF. I determined this by watching their patterns of movement in CQB situations (Vonic in particular). Our only weapons similar to theirs are the Jaguar and Lynx, both of which are out DPS'd by their VS counterparts. The SVA-88 also has a .75x movement modifier while ADSing, which makes no sense, but it's the way the game is. Plan your engagement accordingly.
    7. They make extensive use of the broken Resist shield and medic spam in order to effectively double their numbers. Their dedicated medics have a K/D about .5 less than their offensive counterparts in the outfit.
    8. They make extensive use of comms. If you open fire on one of them, the medics hiding in the corners will kill you before you can get the kill. Therefore, it is prudent to check your corners.

    1. Fight fire with fire. T9 CARVS and Resist Shield HA squads work wonders.
    2. A FT of SMG infils or Jag/Lynx LAs can sneak up behind them with relative ease during large fights. Aim for the head.
    3. If you manage to flank them, shoot their medics first.
    4. A coordinated C4 bombing works wonders, as very rarely do you see DA using flak armor.
    5. Numbers will win anything. DA is not a large outfit; a crash by AOD, 903, BWC, VCO, or NC10 will smash them to bits, even against DA's impressive skill.
    6. Use their compatriots against them. If you see a member of DA and some random next to them, open fire on the random and move so that the LOS is blocked by the DA member. This will shorten your TTK against the DA member.
    7. Very rarely does DA work as a group outside of a few set hours (usually in the early early morning). Use this to your advantage.
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  2. VSDerp

    megaman!!! man i been fighting you alot lately
  3. TheAntiFish

    HA! I like that these people are irritating enough to warrant a thread. 6 people you say? Well played DA. Well played.
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  4. Van Dax

    this is a guide, not a PSA
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  5. Megaman3300

    Yep. Just 6 a lot of the time, sometimes 12. I don't know how they're so good at aiming, but they are. They're also all (The core group at any rate) within 3.5% of each other for accuracy, so it shows a lot of consistent training or skill across their ranks :p
  6. TheBlindFreak

    Honestly, I kinda like DA. When I'm playing lazily in small 1-12 fights off prime time, one DA member is like a bucket of cold water and gets me back on my toes.
  7. Cromell

    This thread is like a massive ego stroke for them :p
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  8. EliteEskimo

    I have respect for DA and what they can accomplish with such a small infantry force. That being said I find their 1337 skills matter little when they are involuntarily forced to embrace multiple tank shells.:D They do pilot Saron Harassers quite well though, and I enjoy the challenge and the satisfaction is great when you blow up a Harasser consisting nothing but BR's 80-100's. I'm still on the lookout for Ender, their leader, as I can't seem to find him whenever DA pops up on my kill feed. You can't run from me forever Ender ;)
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  9. Angry Scientist

    I notice how they can headshot from hipfire while coming around a corner repeatedly.
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  10. MrMurdok

    Or, ya'know, just kill them.
  11. Kanya

    Nice thread.
  12. Ellipson

    I've been a DA member for 2 months and I don't know who this person is

    EDIT: I have confirmed this person is in fact in DA and just plays at different times than me. Continue, thread!
  13. Bill Hicks

    Excellent observations

    A look into the " Pros" who play VS.
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  14. Ender

    I'd just like to make a few corrections though Megaman!

    • A good chunk of us actually do wear flak armor when we're locking down a room that can be shelled repeatedly.
    • Some of us use bandolier too! haha
    • I've been on a short hiatus the past 2 weeks. Generally though when I run organized stuff we end up with at least 16-20 within 45 minutes of starting.
    • We do play later on, or at least when we focus up a bit that generally happens later. I've been trying to get on earlier so I can c4 Eskimo ;)
    • On your Point #4 - 6 Core DA, this is false. DA is a community conditioned from the get go to consider everyone a core member which is why our recruitment takes so long. It takes awhile to build that level of trust. Recruitment is only recently active again as we stopped for quite awhile to make sure of this.
    Oh and as far as numbers go. Our general breaking point is around 80/20 for point lockdowns. If we have 16 or more though we can hold out a few extra minutes against those odds. If you break us before those numbers you've frustrated me :(
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  15. Megaman3300

    Thanks, I try to pay attention to the people I fight the most so that I can compile this sort of list. No one likes to be crapped on constanty :p
    I remember a few weeks ago, my outfit DOG was fighting to take the Ascent from you guys. We eventually broke through, but MAN was it hard :p Took UBGL engies and Lockdown Fracture MAXes on B and C, and our resident sniper Blizz keeping tabs on you guys. And thanks for the corrections! There are some things that aren't immediately obvious (like the grenade bandolier) that make all the difference in breaching scenarios.
  16. Fox Reinhold

    Ender31 also smells bad as he is a dirty aimbotting hippie. Roamcel can confirm. Use this to your advantage; follow the smell and the hax0rz.

    jak, another member of DA, likes to espouse opinions and thinks he is funny. Follow the unfunny comments and uninformed opinions about programming that you will hear from 1,000s of meters away.

    More guides to come on how to track DA down... I'LL GET YOU MY PRETTIES! AND YOUR LITTLE DOG (mpal) TOO!
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  17. Ender

    Fixed ;) Wink360 ;)
  18. VSDerp

    i knew ender was a hippie! should've known!
  19. jak

    Nice analysis!
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  20. jak

    Knock, knock
    Who's there?
    Your mom...At my house.

    Haha. But seriously, you've been added to DA.exe's list of aimboxting. Prepare to be slayed.