Soft Point Ammunition...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Thades, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. Thades

    Does anyone actually use this? I haven't noticed any increase in damage at all, only an added difficulty for landing shots and a lot less certifications than I had before. I wish they would give more concrete statistics on things, because I'm pretty sure this is just a waste of certs.
  2. oOCKYOo

    Apparently it increases damage on medium distance only (how far medium distance is, is a mystery)

    There were threads on the beta server discussing this very topic. Some people noticed that you could take down someone with 1or 2 less bullets compared to normal ammo. Other didnt notice any difference.
  3. Thades

    Why the hell would they invent a costly certification that is essentially a downgrade? It really seems significantly worse. It's like a whole downgrade slot because I can't put anything else there.
    • Up x 1
  4. Zaik

    *shrug* it's more damage at medium range. Something like 20%? So yeah, a bullet or two. It's rather hard to notice with such a low TTK, but it's there.

    In close or far away it loses damage, but the %s are much smaller(5-15%?), probably not enough to actually require another bullet to kill in close, and far away you really shouldn't be using it.

    If you want to talk downgrade certs, try high velocity ammo. Let me make your long range ammo less accurate due to increased recoil LOL.
  5. Thades

    Well it won't let me edit my last post, but in closing; if anyone has had a positive experience with soft point ammo, I'd like to think it has some sort of use to it. If not... oh well, I'll get more certs again I suppose.
  6. MrMojay

    I have not used it as I feel it is just a waste of cert points on a game of this scale, unless of course you are just going to stay inside buildings all day waiting for enemies.