SOE, you want revenue, right? Then why haven't you produced merchandise?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Angry Scientist, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. Wolfbrother

    Maybe Models in the Style and Size of Games-Workshop, so you can crush the Space Marines with a Magrider? I would like it.

    Or mousepads an Shirts like the ones they gave out at the last Gamescom.
  2. Evilsooty

    I would buy a pewter Prowler for my desk :)

    Civilization V had pewter figurines for some of its units when it released. They looked pretty cool.
  3. GhostAvatar

    Well you guys have already produced merchandise (like dog tags etc.) in the past. Yes they may have been limited runs. But seriously, how hard is it to then mass produce such items. Distribution might be a bigger task, but there are third party companies willing to do this. And while yes, it might take people off working on Planetside 2. But if it turns a net profit, that profit can be reinvested into the production of the game and employ more people than it took out.

    Just remember how much Lucas made from merchandise and not the original Star Wars film.
  4. Kunavi

    Key Chains
    Engineer/Medic Back-Packs
    Hoodies(Modeled after some Player Studio Hood Helmets!)
    The Bahamut and its other Faction equivalents, WITH the goggles and stuff
    Other clothing items and accessories(I know I can get them by printing them but it would be to support PS2 and really, I'd feel cheap printing them IF OFFICIAL ones were available)
    Possibly gaming accessories, Razer's done some deals with BF3 and WOW so either do the same or find another partner if you don't like Razer
    USB sticks

    Surely you have thought of at least half of these?... -.- If I were to go wild I'd add:
    - Flash Antena Ball for those of us who own 4x's
    - Actual hub caps within safety specifications of course
    - Actual bike helmets based on helmet models

    ...Just saying.
  5. Wecomeinpeace

    Dude...i can buy t-shirts and stuff from most INDIE games (in not-embarrassing quality nonetheless). Yeah it requires the apparently frowned word at SOE, "effort", but it's totally doable and will be WAY more appreciated by the players than just looking into the PS2 folder and putting price tags on random files. And i doubt it would be the coders or designers who would do the merchandising, so no dev time would be lost. Also this IS time working on Planetside 2.

    Sometimes when i read replies like yours i really have to wonder what kind of "major" studio you folks are...shouldn't merchandising be "AAA" video gaming 101? Shouldn't you have a "guy" for that anyways? The fact that a player on the forums had to remind you that this is even a possibility simply boggles my mind.

    Sorry if i may sound a tad harsh here, but damn lol...
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  6. Kunavi

    ...And make a RL Harasser for Higby to drive to conventions and such ;Ppp
  7. GaBeRock

    small figurines of vehicles.
    small figurines of soldiers.
    small figurines of base components (ex, spawn room, scu, control point.)
    what I'm saying here is that I'd like a tabletop game made out of planetside :)
    I could even just use warhammer 40k rules! (control points- objectives. spawnroom- reinforcements locations.)
  8. MrLayZboy

    I'd buy a little Vangaurd model, preferably with AP/Enforcer on it.
    Not the new model though with all the grey & blue, the one with the yellow stripe.
  9. Angry Scientist

    Given the vast resources that SOE has at their disposal, finding a maker or distributor can't be all that hard.

    As for products, you can start simple. T-Shirts, hoodies, keychains, stickers. Some plushies, too, of the generic faction soldier models.

    After that response you can start digging deeper, using the models of the game to create model figurines. Imagine someone selecting a helmet, camo, weapon, and class and having their soldier printed out to put on a desk. Or a tank. Even just generic models without the swag would equally be acceptable.

    Merchandise is an incredible revenue stream and you guys own all the assets for it...and it won't piss players off as much as taking steps on the slippery slope of Pay to win. Smedly acknowledged that it was a slippery slope, so why risk it now when you've yet to explore all options?

    Vanity sells, hard. People want to look good and the like. More unique things like armor models, overfitting in game NS vehicles into more faction specific models to be equipped. Or name change, gender change (with a bonus equal swap if you have a faction voice pack to the opposite gender equivalent), cert reset tokens, K/D reset tokens (yes, there will be outcry, but it's basically another vanity option, more or less).

    What I'm basically saying is you're whacking the bee's nest, whether because you want the honey inside or just want to see how far you can stir the playerbase before we explode...and you don't need to, not yet.
  10. Konstantinn

    I've been around Planetside since release of PS1. Sure I've taken many breaks, but 11 years is a long time. I might stick around with PS2 for years to come, and play Planetside 3 if/when it comes out. I'd love to have something to commemorate that. Model reaver/prowler/max would fit in nicely on display in my living room.
  11. Flea6.8

    I tell you what offer a keychain (couple of bucks), hoodie $30-40 , t-shirt $25, maybe a waterbottle ,or a coffee mug with the TR symbol on them and ill buy them in a heartbeat.
  12. Bumbil

    What about planetside 2 paintball weapons, armour and stuff? Damn, what about a whole planetside 2 paintball or lasertek battleground with sunderers, vanguards, magriders, flashs, harrassers and so on? For THIS, i would even buy VS armour! :eek:
  13. Regpuppy

    I remember a long whiiiiile back where Maggie's stream had hints of merchandising for PS2. Wonder what happened with that. :confused:
  14. Fenrisk

    A official Planetside 2 Light Assault Jet Pack.
  15. John_Aitc

    Players should be allowed to pre-order the same items that are brought to trade shows a couple of times a year. (maybe before SOE Live and around xmas) That way the quantity needed from manufacturers would be known. I wish I didn't need to always buy things from other sources. The items get posted before the events are even over.

    UPS should rent booth space at shows to service the people who are there to get then sell all the free items they are given. That way I could have my $20 TR dog tag before the show is even over.
  16. WyrdHarper

    In addition to clothing, dog tags would be cool. Maybe prints of concept art, as well.

    I get it takes effort, but even Star Citizen has a really solid merchandise store, and it's not even a real game yet. Our outfit is also starting to get clothing made now that we have a logo.

    The PS2 community is fanatic, and many of us would love to rep our factions.
  17. dasichri

    If I had more money, I'd think of buying physical merchandise also.
  18. ColonelChingles

    Merchandising also is a huge double benefit to video games.

    On the one hand you get a revenue stream, which hopefully after taking into account costs is a profit.

    On the other hand people are literally paying you to be walking billboards for your product. I mean they're helping you market your game, and on top of that giving you their money for the privilege of it!
  19. Epic High Five

    People buy the craziest ****

    People have bought the C85 with real $$$

    They will buy an NC snuggie and I would MOST CERTAINLY buy an NC giant foam cowboy hat
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  20. OldCuban


    I'd love to show off my favorite faction, plus it's free advertising!

    It shouldn't be too hard, I wouldn't think. There's countless online T-shirt and/or clothing companies online that only require you to submit the image you want on the shirt. So it's just a matter of partnering with one of those said companies. Let them do all the leg work. After all they generate $$$ on the product when sold as well.