SOE why so much HATE vs. TR?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kayato, Apr 21, 2013.

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  1. akajefe

    It is kinda funny that he mentioned "TR MAX: Just average max, in the middle." in his list of reasons that TR are hated. So having average equipment is not a good thing? It sounds like you want equipment that performs better than average. Can you tell me what we call stuff that performs over the average power range of similar equipment?
  2. Slyguy65 not generalizing I am summing up 5 months of forum activity.

    Also the "prove me wrong simple. You go and look at the patch notes and find me a TR BUFF that they have implemented that has stayed, and im talking a REAL buff, not a tweak like most notes are of all factions.

    If you can't do that, do go ahead and shut it, cause you are the one who is ignorant here not I.

    The fact is TR get shafted due to the constant stream of buffs for NC and VS, and when they try buffing TR we get it instantly taken away...FACT proof is in the patch notes.

    So again, TR are the ONLY faction IMO that really have a legit reason to complain, NC can't say anything they have been buffed up already about 3-4 times not to mention they started with something OP.

    VS can't even begin to open their mouth with the BS removal of no damage drop off..the orion is godlike now, add a 3.4 scope...then roll in the certs fact most of their guns are insane now, to anyone who can actually shoot a moving target since they can just sit back and shoot (at least at TR since our guns range in every category is a joke).
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  3. Jrv

    That, my friend, is what we call "generalizing." Also, still no statistics or anything that can really be argued, so I still have nothing more to say to you.
  4. Paulus

    Just admit you can't find what you want to see in the patch notes and that the OP maybe has a point. Might be the more mature response when faced with something you can't refute. The perameters are pretty specfic, just because they've not numbered them for you doesn't make it a moot point.

    Personaly i think the issues aren't that big, but they become exagerated when faced with higer numbers to enemy troops, in much the same way you won't notice your car is slower when you're driving down the street, but you do notice when the guy who supposedly has an equal car beats you in a race between the lights.

    People aren't asking for an unfair advantage, just to be competitve would be nice.

    One way i've thought would help things for all empires that are disadvanatged when it comes to population, is that instead of Bonus XP (which doesn't help if you're not staying alive long enough to take anything) you get Bonus damage. That way the underdog has a better chance of dishing out enough damage to keep the people who out number them on a more equal footing. Nothing crazy, just small percentage increases to help level the playing field. Admitadly as the TR are the lowest active faction, the buff would sit on them the most, but then it might also entice people to actualy play TR instead of VS or NC. At present its only the people who made thier choice at the start and the masochist who join TR.

    Or they could ignore the above and take a proper look at why TR are the ginger stepchild of PS2
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  5. Jrv

    Still no statistics, still no proof of anything. Just "Waaaaaah we're underpowered look at the patch notes"

    Damage bonus? Really? This thread gets more funny every minute. You terran players are a treat.
  6. Paulus

    You can't say it wouldn't help the lowest pop faction, and i dare say the VS would agree it would help thier cause where they are 3rd place. It's just one possible solution, i'm sure people who are minded to do more than parrot the usual "L2P huur" that forums seem to generate when the respondant isn't affected by the issue can come up with something just as creative.

    PS. don't be scared of the patch notes, i know its alot of words, but i used to suffer from Dyslexia too when i was young, keep practicing and it'll get easier.
  7. Jrv

    Now he's being condescending. How adorable.
  8. Paulus

    I'd like to say supportive, i know its not easy. It's always harder to engage than be dismissive, but i'm happy to work with you whilst you still need the support. :)
  9. Loegi

    Looks to me that you're whining more actually.
  10. GuraKKa

    In these forums, TR cries about last patch.

    Cry me a Scythe... oh wait... :(
  11. CupBoy

    So what, your idea of balance is that each faction gets an equal number of buffs/nerf? That's the dumbest crap I've ever heard.

    Either put some quantifiable data on the table that shows there's a problem or get out. Jesus, it's like you people never went to school.

    No no no no. You don't get to dismiss statistics in one thread and then turn around and use them in another. Have some integrity and stick to your gut feelings!
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  12. Paulus

    I think you would have to stretch it pretty far to call for equal buffs, after all i'm sure there is a disparity between NC and VS just as there is between either of them and TR. The singular difference is the lack of ANY meritorious buff. The question we're trying to address and which you have little interest in activly engaging in (because its always much nicer to be top of the pile than bottom) is two fold.

    Firstly, the TR are seemingly only ever to receive negative impacts from the patch tweeks, because no matter if nobody ever heard of thier being an issue before and it ever had been that way from day zero, somehow we have a sudden advantage which must be adjusted for in the next patch, but which wasn't there in the previous one.

    Secondly, the fact that every consecutive patch and update either waters down what is interesting about playing TR (I.E high ROF weaponry, fast vehicles) seems to be proliferated by Nanite Systems and buffs to the other empires which the proponents of which say are needed to make things fair (but then deny anything needs changing with TR to make things fair for us?)

    The net result of this is that what was already a fairly hard fight, becomes harder, and because the general nature of people is to dislike loosing, they move to another faction, this creates a legacy of "oh TR? they're 3rd place, lol certfarmz" and we get less people joining, everyone sees TR getting kicked around like the Auraxis football and thinks "i'm not going there". This in turn exaserbates and reinforces the "3rd place" image.

    Sadly while it may be good fun for you now, it won't last. The Devs will either do something about it or they won't. If they do, you will unleash a tidal wave of tears such as this world has never seen when the broken man rises up and can suddenly stand on equal (or because they want to attract people to the empire, Better) terms. If they don't the 3 faction fight will become 2 and a half, where TR are more like an endangered speices than an opposing force. Only The Enclave will remain in any real number and so only one server will have any actual experience of fighting more than just purple or blue.

    I'm trying to avoid the above coming to pass. I have no desire to be some OP Ubersoldat, nor some fleeting quarry for people bored of fighting the other guys. I want to be able to stand on equal terms, with no impediments or adjustments weighing against me and have an honest fight, where people are just as happy to join my faction as they are the other two. So long as those with vested interests keep repeating to themselves the mantra of the current way of things, so long will we march inexorably to the future i fear.
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  13. Irrelevant--

    If the tr are so balanced and awesome then why is their pop falling so quickly? I play on Connery, as a TR, and we're now always out popped by nc. A lot of time on all 3 continents. It's not uncommon for nc to have a 50+% pop on alerts. And now vs, who absolutely were under popped on Connery, are catching up to and surpassing TR.
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  14. Blarg20011

    Same story on Helios, and I believe most American servers.
  15. Pat Cleburne

    Been saying this for awhile now. Slowly but surely it is happening.

    It's the same on almost every server. If you ask people on these forums it is because "TR ist WhiNerz" or "Warpgate".
    It couldn't be anything else? Right? ;)
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  16. Irrelevant--

    To show I'm not simply whinning here are my stats:
    Also, played throughout beta.

    I'm a pretty competent player, not the best by a long-shot, but enough to ignore the "lol l2p nub" argument. Something's rotten in auraxis. The proof is in the pudding.

    Ps. "Most played weapon: Chainblade" lolwut
  17. Aesir


    Sometimes I think SOE really works to improve the game and sometimes I think they don't seem to care ... But that could only be my impression.
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  18. Irrelevant--

    SOE works in mysterious ways...
  19. Blarg20011

    Shhh, do not question the wisdom of the great Higglesby. The horror of the ban hammer falls hard and swift upon the non believers! Repent! REPENT!!!
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  20. Jachim

    No, no one moved over from other factions just to play with Prowler HE because pre-nerf everyone just used HEAT anyway due to the 2-shots doing the same damage as one-shot of any other.

    TR MAX is not fine, no MAX is fine. Their use has dramatically reduced.

    The mosquito is not the most maneuverable ESF, it also has the worst A2G out of all three. The lolpods on the Scythe are ridiculously overpowered.

    TR do not have extra ammo. Please give proof before throwing claims like this out.
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