SOE where are all the threads demanding more eSports mechanics...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gimpylung, Jan 25, 2013.

  1. Gimpylung

    Oh that's right, there's virtually none.

    But there's loads of other threads demanding stuff like gameplay depth, more content and good old fashioned fixes.

    I appreciate that that stuff is being worked on but please put your total focus on it, please ditch this eSports obsession until the game is in a more finalised and polished form... at least a couple of years away yet.

    Develop the games strengths, don't dwell on a component that its obviously not suited to and that no one appears to be asking for.

    This game has such potential but I fear that it will fail to realise it if its forced in the wrong direction.