SOE, Thank you for 64 bit!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Codex561, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. OldMaster80

    Nice. Even if I rename files in the folder I still run Planetside_x86.exe which is 32 bit file. But I have a 64 bit OS.
    How the hell did you force the 64 bit client? Are you sure you're running Planetside_x64.exe?
  2. St0mpy

    They withdrew it again, theres still some small teething troubles and im sure they want to get it spot on before releasing it to the hoi polloi.

    And altho some people seem to think SOE should hit the deck running with it, its totally ok to me, the scope of change here is massive and I dont care if they have to switch it in and out even more, if it gets us a better client at the end then it was worth it.
  3. OldMaster80

    If it's officially released and working why do I have to rename files in the folder before to click on PLAY?
    Btw the 64 runs much better for me, but it causes some random CTD.
    The 32 gives me lower fps but crash is only when changing continent.

    It's a big pile of s**t in any case :(
  4. St0mpy

    Its not officially released, its been withdrawn again, what you read there was people who try and force it to 64 in between SOE RC versions, versions which come automatically if you just left it alone.

    When its ready youll be automatically upgraded to x64, if you played yesterday you would have been playing on the x64 without having to play software doctor, just after that extended test its had to go byebye again, be patient itll be back and well get a better client in the end.