SOE Station cash cards at my local Walmart

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Jaxxx, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. Jaxxx

    My local Wal-Mart has a whole bunch of $15 SOE station cash cards on display, the only problem is that PS2 isnt one of the games listed on them.
    It may be a stupid question but I dont want to waste my time if I cannot use these cards for PS2.

    Thanks in advance
  2. Lopshot

    Your all good, as long as it say's (Station Cash) it will work with any of SOE's games that use it.. It doesn't matter what game is on said card. All it does is add Station Cash to your SOE account.

    P.S. just remember (Station Cash) not ones that say (Playstation Network Card).
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  3. Notyoz Tacoz

    Yeah the one's that say "Station Cash" are the ones to go with. The ones at my WalMart didn't have any pictures or references to PS2 but was a 1500 STATION Cash Card and worked just fine! It is a HUGE PR Fail that SOE hasn't made sure more Station Cash Cards have some sort of PS2 picture reference on them. I nearly didn't buy them at first glance cause all they had was pictures of all their other games I've barely heard of and certainly never played. But... if you can get by that slight annoyance then the Station Cash card works just fine with PS2 no matter what other games are pictured on it.
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  4. Ziajin

    Well, atleast you can get your SOE cards... The two Wal-marts nearish to my house have been sold out of the cards for over two months now. Huff. And that is the the only reason why I'd even think of stepping into an icky Wal-mart. D:
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  5. Jaxxx

    Thanks much all, I wasnt 100% sure, iappreciae the info very much !!!!
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  6. TheEvilBlight

    I think only Gamestop has specially branded Planetside2 cards.
  7. Galhans

    My brother came up with another reason:
    If you feel bad about yourself, go into your local Walmart and look around at the people that shop there. :p
    Seriously, though, I've seen the cash cards in Safeway, 7-11, AND Gamestop. Just wish I could afford one...