SOE Maintenance: Monday, January 12 at 8AM PST

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Dexella, Jan 11, 2015.

  1. Nexy

    yeah its been much longer then 2hrs
  2. RougeHD

    I cri evy tim
  3. Fauxpas

    Once again European prime time. This and the bad European ping, lies about bringing alerts back for Christmas, no basic communication, false server status information repetitively - total neglect of the European customer base. I regret that I paid for this otherwise fine game. The SOE brand has gone severely down in my eyes in just a few months time, and I can't see any effort by the company to somehow reimburse or nurture a more civilized customer practice.
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  4. westli

    ETA on able to log in
  5. Enukku

    SOE just pay for the servers on time
  6. Stevenmadcap

    WHEN they can be BOTHERED
  7. Velimirius

    nicely done, was looking forward to play but nah they are just gonna be ***** w/o any notice at all and extend it while its EU prime time...
  8. BigBadBuba

    pretty much why i stopped playing and why i refuse to pay soe for ANYTHING. me and a buddy thought it might be a laugh to jump back on...
  9. Suzdal

    <We expect this maintenance to last about two hours> HA! As anyone that's been playing this game since it came out I knew this would be a lie. And now I'm greeted with the exotic sounding error NBE-1013. Failed again SOE. Waiting for the host of new bugs your ''maintenance '' is guaranteed to spawn.
  10. Feedoff

    Guys calm down...

    This is all just a big miss understanding, what they meant to say was:

    "We expect this maintenance to last about two DAYS."
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  11. Smoovious

    Just another tweet saying

    "Sorry folks, we hit a couple of snags and the update is taking longer than we expected. May be another couple of hours yet until we're back up."

    would be enuf for me... some kind of acknowledgement that we're waiting still past the estimated time with no idea if it is going to be another 5 minutes or three hours yet.

    that tweet would reduce the hammering we're doing on their servers as well.

    keeping us sitting around when we could be doing something else in the meantime does not earn them any goodwill from us.

    -- Smoov
  12. Walking Shark

    Why earn basically free player goodwill with two minutes of typing a forum post when you can do it the SOE way instead? I love being a mushroom.
  13. FLHuk

    In the future scientists predict that there will be a thing called a "server status component" to a game launcher. This will accurately reflect the status of the game without the need to just "try"....

    Meanwhile at CCP in Iceland....... :D
  14. ArcticRunner

    They were blocking the flow of cats.
  15. HannaDest

    Thats it SOE. no more money from me. Tired of this.
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  16. amega

    Thanks again for prime time:mad: just bought 50%exp boost for a week and again this sh/////t one evening lost. BY the way your membership baying system still doesnt work correct with qiwi visa electronic card :mad:
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  17. Fauxpas

    How about keeping the few paying customers? :p I have nothing against paying a subscription, but it must mean really nice customer service.
  18. Liewec123

    yups maintenance during EU primetime, who cares though right?
    we're not in "murica" so we're obviously not worth thinking about...
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  19. J4JK

    come on its been 4 hrs, i really want to play, i only have a small window to play every day, and i started playing 3 days ago and i am really enjoying the game, so come on sony. plz
  20. westli

    hamsters have stopped in there wheels which powers the servers!!!! anyone got some red bull
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