SOE, learn from this patch.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NoXousX, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. NoXousX

    Don't patch on the weekend. Thanks.
  2. CactusLynx

    More like don't patch amirite?
  3. NoXousX

    I'd prefer baby step patches from now on. 1 change a day....
    • Up x 1
  4. Fivetide

    Even better: Test patch to avoid breaking game completely.
    • Up x 4
  5. phungus420

    They knew it was broken, hence the delay. Someone with the power made the call to release anyway, probably for PR reasons, there were a handful complaining about the delay (really people if developers delay something, it's because it's not working right, complaining isn't going to help). Now the game is completely and utterly broken.

    Guns and SHOOTING IN GENERAL DO NOT WORK! This is an FPS, you can't have a game in this genre when the basic act of shooting is broken.

    This patch simply should never have gone live in it's current state.

    Learn from this Higby or whoever is in charge, at least make sure you don't break something essential to the basics of gameplay like goddamn SHOOTING, before releasing a patch.