[Suggestion] SOE, if you need better sountrack, hire Frank Klepacki!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by -Zlodey-, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. -Zlodey-

    Sorry, SOE, but PS2 themes cant stand aganist this masterpieces.
  2. IceJudge

  3. foam

    ^We need Don Ferrone. PS1 music rules. I still listen to it almost every day. It gives me chills. IT FEELS SO MYSTERIOUS & SCI-FI. The Vanu music makes you feel like YOU ARE BECOMING AN ALIEN.
  4. n00biz

    A tear comes to my eye every time i hear that main menu music of planetside 1 :'-)
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  5. Atralis

    Be honest....... are you Frank Klepacki?
  6. foam

    Amen brother. It made me take the game so serious. It was 200% serious business.
  7. n00biz

    Yup, that's WAR music at it's finest. Drum rolls, a serious harmony, definitely serious business.