SOE i do hope that this time you will actually read our feedback since the inf update is coming

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Skeith, Jan 15, 2014.

  1. Skeith

    it's probably pointless posting it here since devs dont even read our section but oh well,let's give it a shot

    Not a long time ago there was something called MAX update,that promised an empire specific ability for every max and was vastly disregarded by NC and TR,because their abilities looked kinda lame compared to the VS one,the Z.O.E.

    You received a lot of feedback about how the Z.O.E was out of place compared to the other 2 abiltie,since it was basically a goku mode button compared to a Shield to a slight increase in rate of fire that sacrifies movement and a shield that disables the option to fight back.

    Still you didnt listen to any of that feedback(heck sometimes i wonder if you even read these forums),and released the max update the way it was decided by you,and for 4-5 months VS maxes dominated the battlefield,until you guys finally realized that the ability was overpowered and decided to nerf it into the ground,when you could have just took the jetpack max from the original planetside like many people suggested.

    Talking about us,it took you guys an year to figure out that 30 cert purchase could nullify the OHK potential of our class,and 6-7 months to fix the majority of the bugs of our cloak,(wich is still bugged as hell)

    Now our update is coming,and while i jiggle about the stalker cloak it makes me confused that you guys are adding the recon drone wich

    A)it was never ever asked by this community
    B)it serves no purpose since scouting in this game has no effects whatsoever

    while the most important issue that many of us have with the class wasnt even mentioned in the update

    The lack of a purpose to infiltrate

    Hacking is a very limited option,and with the latest updates we have even less terminals to hack right now,so even if i could finally infiltrate with the stalker cloak ill still have no real purpose to do so

    and finally we get to the empire specific sniper rifles,higby tweeted that you guys are looking for suggestions about them,that's awesome since those who are planned are kinda lackluster.

    My question is,after 1 year are you finally going to listen to your community or your just gonna collect feedback like you did with the MAX update and then completely ignore it?
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  2. Stinneyt

    Lol. SOE listen?
    This must be your first SOE game.
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  3. Skeith

    nope the first one was Star wars galaxies,a game that went downhill because the devs released an update,the NGE for those who have played it,that single handely ruined the entire game,plus the complete lack of communication by SOE killed it pretty quickly,and i fear the same is going ot happen to planetside
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  4. Akeita

    What can go wrong with infiltrator ? At least until they give infiltrator C4.
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  5. Stinneyt

    Mine was SWG too. I played on Euro Chim.
    But thats what I'm saying. SOE have a long history of taking decent games and totally ruining them. Its not a matter of if, but when.
    This game will one day be unplayable. Just like the NGE. You just have to accept it. Its the SOE way.
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  6. Skeith

    that in the first planetside the infiltrator had much more objectives to hack and it was insanely more rewarding to infiltrate

    you could hack vehicles,consoles,respawn tubes,inventory lockets(in the first planetside once you respawned you had to take back your equipment in an inventory locket and if an infiltrator hacked it,you could not take it back or even worst you could find a boomer wich is a en explosive inside it and die)and most important of all,you could hack the base generator and shut down the power in the entire facility leaving the enemy base defenceless against the enemy.

    We are getting some new toys,(even though i think that the recon drone is completely useless as it is),but our impact in the battlefield is pretty much the same,im happy that i can finally infiltrate with the stalker cloak but what im i going to do inside a base besides getting some random kills here and there?

    I played on Euro Chim as well,but i dont think that they are going to be that stupid and sink this other game as well,it would be a huge financial failure if planetside 2 goes down as well.