@SOE Any ETA on the pizza box fix?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RHINO_Mk.II, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. Madcat9

    I remember throwing tank mines recently down in a bush before a vs sundy backed up onto them and watched dumbfounded as the tires literally passed over the mines. I had figured they were thrown down too close to the sundy and didn't "count".
  2. MichaelS

    If i remember right this is the First Balance step that Higby posted on the official PS2 forum. The 2nd step is making me larger to tilt vhc that going over them. To represent that they getting a wood texture.
    Third step is making them as big as a sundered to block of the vehicle pad completely so every vehicle gets de spawned by the one followed.

    Thrust me.
  3. Nephera

    "Why didnt i notice thi- oh..right thats why"
  4. faykid

    and i thought i was just out of luck
    my mines simply didn't work all this time!
  5. Squibo

    It's actually a special event.

    Every 1 Pizza box out of 100,000 will explode. If your lucky Pizza Box explodes, you get 1000 certs, a unique in game title 'Papa', and SOE will deliver a pizza to you irl.

    Unfortunately since nobody has ever driven over these Pizza Boxes (Ever since they went from being cookies to Pizza Boxes), this unfortunate glitch has gone largely unnoticed.
  6. eldarfalcongravtank

    i see no problem here. arent these pizza boxes designed to be put next to anti-personnel mines for a larger explosion effect in order to negate flak armor, or have i been using these wrongly?o_O
  7. Slandebande

    I miss them ferociously :(

    They are still excellent, if used correctly (not meaning pizza-deliveries), but you can actually use them as mines. Especially once Thermal won't highlight them again. I also used them extensively for self-defense and setting up ambushes.
  8. Nintyuk

  9. Crackulous

    Made in China.
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  10. z1967

    I saw two harassers, 15 something tanks, and a sunderer pass over my mines on a bridge. SOE why you do this to us? :(
  11. RHINO_Mk.II

    You do not want to make the Pizza Deliverymen angry.
  12. RHINO_Mk.II

    Anyone know if this has been fixed on PTS yet?
  13. Nephera

    I've been making a game of setting my mines off with a sniper rifle so it looks like i have some sort of crazy anti tank rifle.
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  14. isilyan

  15. RHINO_Mk.II

    Bumping doesn't work in the bug forum, they need upvotes to get anywhere. Which could explain why pizza boxes are still not working as intended.
  16. RHINO_Mk.II

  17. Crayv

    As I said a long time ago when something like this happened: It seems that someone was using them to kill vehicle by having them drive over rather than using them as grenade/bullet detonated C4. They already nerfed this by making them so comically large that drivers would have to be driving blind to not see but I guess that wasn't enough.
  18. IamDH

    GU15: Fixed a bug that allowed tank mines to detonate in proximity to enemies
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  19. Xasapis

    Come now, don't be shy and embrace your teal side ;)
  20. AzureKnight

    i thought the vehicles just had some mine tread thing that prevented them from setting off... I feel special...