so you nerfed LA hard with the JJ sounds... didn't really think you would go through with it

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by WookLordz, Apr 18, 2013.

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  1. WookLordz

    So basically you are changing the entire playstyle for this class? And basically because of whiny infiltrators and HAs? I mean, you are supposedly trying to turn LA into the hard hitting flanking class that you "intended" in the 1st place, but you don't put any compensatory buffs or abilities in place to allow LA to do this effectively? If you want to totally change the class by taking away it's stealth capability that's fine, but wait till the LA revamp that's currently unscheduled on the Roadmap.... LA is one of the least played classes, sheesh.

    Why didn't you fix infiltrators instead? Why did you cave in to these HAs who are complaining that they can't get their overshields up before getting one shot killed with a pump action? If anything HA is overpowered, with their shield, vast array of available primaries, rocket launchers, concussion grenades, nanoweave, C4, etc, etc...

    Anyways, I'm obviously disgusted with this decision, probably won't be logging in for a while.
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  2. Gustavo M

    Expect such threads like this in the next hours to come: angry LA's overreacting about the jetpack sound.
    Bear this with me, my fellow forumers.
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  3. D-Spirith

    Adapt, evolve, progress.
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    This too shall pass
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  5. WookLordz

    Do you ever even play an LA? No, then please don't contribute to this.
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  6. Nyscha

    Brace yourself, the LA QQ'ers are coming.
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  7. 13lackCats

    One man's nerf is another man's raising of the skill ceiling.
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  8. TintaBux

    Arr a vs player whining about this what a surprise (Expect TR to do same soon)
  9. Llaf

    Its a jetpack, keyword jet. Jets are loud. There are MUCH more pressing issues than this to complain about.
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  10. FluffyM

    Good point, poorly phrased and presented.
  11. urida

    Will the volume increase apply to drifter jets as well?
  12. RomulusX

  13. Syphers

    If they do release this horrible and annoying high pitched sound I'm just shelving my LA really
  14. pada0

    lol hope they're not going to be as loud as reavers.
  15. jm20

    How would you describe not logging in because some class now has sound that can be heard outside of first person? Sounds like you are a whiny *****.
  16. Zenith

    Awesome, only the truly skilled players will excel with LA now, as it should be. They've been having it too much their own way lately, especially with the near silent JJ + OHK shotgun combo.
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  17. MaddPhish

    Just means I'll hang up my shotty and pick up my old friend the VX6-7 for more effective range. Perhaps the Solstice if that's not adequate
  18. Teegeeack

    Never really had a problem with LA jetpack sounds. I mean never caught with my trousers down because I didn't know an LA was behind me. If one kills me I always pretty much expected it and/or deserved it. So I don't think it was necessary per se, but it seems pretty fair overall. Now we just need a HA nerf.
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  19. Shurrikken

    I play LA, and the change was needed. Why cry so much about it, you not a good player?
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  20. FluffyM

    That's a crock of ****e, sound change won't impact the effectiveness of anything, all it will do is paint a louder target on our back while moving around. It's ok though, we can use our tool to...oh. Just seems like a pointless change imo, meh either way.
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