Might as well know before next week. Apparently jaegar is TR heavy (is it?) And what are the main NC/VS outfits on jaegar?
Hey Slyguy. Recently NC has actually had higher pop numbers. As the VS numbers have decreased since GU2 NC numbers have gone up about equally, though NC and TR pops are usually comparable during prime times. There are a number of good outfits on the server. Ill list ones I can remember odd the top of my head. If I miss someone it's in no way a slight to them. It was a long day at work and im typing this as my daughters are in dance class . NC: Phoenix Battalion [PHX] Easy Company [EZC] Longbow [LNGB] I might be wrong on their TAG, I'm sorry if I am. We Are NC [WRNC] Jaegers United [NCUN] Ethos [ETHO] Auraxian Guard [AUXG] Death Legion [LEGN] TR: Terran Republic Assault Force [TRAF] Terran Team Six [TT6] Pretentious [FUGK] Hostile Paradigm [HSTL] <--- They have some interesting ways of playing The Bear Snakes [BRSN] [ARGO] VS: Blaze of Glory [BOG] BlackJack Torture Club [BJTC] [VREV] [D3RP] Im gonna go look at our forums. I know I've forgot some. If this was posted moments ago recheck, I'll be adding.
Check out this thread here, we have already begun to try to organize some things. I'm pretty sure some of the guys in this thread would be happy to hear there's some people interested in doing the same kind of stuff on our new server http://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/the-jaeger-initiative.93100/
You're recruitment thread was by far one of the most interesting I've ever read. I've had some good battles with you guys too. I'm looking forward to more.
Jaeger is one of the best servers you'll find in terms of outfit quality. Razzyman's post pretty much summed up the big ones. There's a few more outfits for TR and VS, though, I may not know them well enough to say whether or not they're among the "main" outfits. Another one on TR I see a lot is ARGO (A Really Good Outfit). What are Waterson's outfits? The only one I ever hear about is BRIT.
Yeah, Jaeger is a pretty chill server. Outfit politics aren't too big, basically the average player is a pretty cool person. Most of the outfits are pretty relaxed (I mean, some of them are more organized/structured, but the vast majority don't really have a huge ego from what I've seen). It's like a cool party, especially if you're in [HSTL] (you won't find an outfit with more drunken, fun-loving players than us!). Can't really speak for any outfits other than the ones Razzy mentioned. Jaeger is great, hopefully we rub off a bit on Waterson.
TR on waterson is sketchy, most of them do everything in house. Been trying to get some inter outfit coop going but the leaders of the others seem to rarely be on. ODAM IMO is one of the best ones on waterson, we are THE most active, and are always ready to back others up or talk about how to go about doing stuff. The others...well, aside from EGO and DD we are the only other large outfit. EGO and DD have pretty poor leadership IMO. (EGO abandoned indar because they described ARC as a poor place to defend...DD just seems to follow the largest zerg. Fact is, i constantly see EGO and DD people in ODAM platoons. Instead of their own.) While some of the other small outfits have ok to good leadership. There is also IR, i remember them being bigger but they are another good outfit aside from ODAM. BRIT is all but gone, they rarely ever play. I think if TRAF can ODAM coop we could pull some good ops with our numbers. Hopefully get more cooperation started in waterson. I know its possible when crap hits the fan the TR do actually start coordinating on command chat but the other 90% of the time, its completely quiet.
The more I think of it the more I realize how kick *** Jaeger server is in terms of decent outfits. If there is anything we do not lack it is fighting across each and every continent. I can honestly tell you the front on all 3 continents can be active and big and it often shocks me. For instance, Indar's The Crown-Crossroads-TI Alloys is always busy just like every other server I believe but Amerish and Esamir could potentially have serious warfare for territory control as well. Sure there can be a zerg where one faction has a 60+% in population just rolling over everyone but it is not always the case. No I honestly think Jaeger server was pretty balanced even with the underpopulated Vanu because we liked being the underdog that over performs and we often did. Epic defenses that wear the enemy down to even try anymore are beyond fun.
Doombro, The fact that Jaeger outfits are listed as "quality" really make me worry about what we'll encounter in this rollover...
Hey Fencer, please forgive my misunderstanding. From your use of quotation marks I'm assuming you are implying our outfits aren't very good, is that the case? If so I'll to provide some insight to what Doombro may have meant. While Jaeger has a number of outfits the ones listed are regular contributors. They have leadership that cares about their outfits performance and works towards making their outfit more successful in general. Many of the outfits listed hold regular training sessions to help improve the knowledge and skill of newer members, while simultaneously honing coordination and teamwork among the more experienced players. Many of the players on Jaeger care about the community and the mentioned outfits try to do things to improve both the community and our gameplay experience. That's what I believe Doombro meant by quality.
It's not just DVS. I hear ODAM went from a respectable 100-200 members to over 800. Also for the VS we have the zerg-fit VDRS with around 800 members.