[Vehicle] So when is the PPA going to be buffed?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by asmodraxus, Mar 20, 2015.

  1. asmodraxus

    On every single metric the PPA for both the Harasser and the Magrider is under performing.

    So when is DBG going to either nerf the hell out of its counterparts or better yet fix it so it doesn't fire large purple marshmallows at the enemy.
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  2. Hegeteus

    Good luck getting constructive thread, OP. PPA seems to have caused permanent ******** on people, so don't expect a rally to get it buffed. I agree though that it's kinda ****e since it seems to take almost a clipful of indirect hits against flak armor running heavy assaults to kill them.
    On comparison to canister, it's very clumsy when used defensively but I found it to be kinda ok when going getting the jump on enemies and staying mobile.

    E: better wording etc.
  3. Nody

    It will be fixed around the same time as the ZoE will be useful; i.e. never under any circumstances because it's VS tech. You only need to look at the latest ZoE "fix" (after what, 15 months?) which decreased the number of bullets required by 1 within 10m (going from 6 to 5 bullet to kill when you shot two bullets at the time) and making ZoE worse (same ttk within 10m; worse outside 10m, yay!). The simple fact is the Devs don't have a clue how to balance VS so they are simply left as the NS empire (see guns, see abilities etc.).

    I'm happy to report that if you jump ship to NC however you'll actually have functional guns and not 1 per category selection and this will stun you; actually options for various styles and ranges that actually work rather than being an inferior alternative (yes I've changed main from my 170k cert VS with 21k cert banked to NC and it's by far a more pleasant experience even with only 8k certs on the char)!
  4. Mongychops

    It was supposed to be part of the ESAV secondary changes on PTS (it was getting more accuracy and heat mechanic AFAIK), however those have stalled with the "SOE -> DBG" and "Higby -> bye bye" changes.

    That is all in addition to the pathological hatred of the PPA (and arguably, the VS as a whole) instilled in the other two factions by the history of that weapon, you'd be better off asking for the Kobalt to be added to the weapons you can use to earn the Magrider auraxium armour, and using that instead, it's a perfectly good weapon with a decent gunner.
  5. OldCuban

    It'll get buffed when the TR Banshee gets buffed.

    Seriously though, there's a reason both these weapons got nerfed.

    Reversing that would unleash the " omg this is OP " whiners on here like never before.

    Welcome to Whinerside! Where the unskilled come to complain about their inability to counter the simplest of situations with constructive thought!
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  6. Haquim

    You're talking about the Banshee - the counterpart to hat is the LPPA, not the PPA.
    And that one has not been touched.

    It was, and still is, stronger than the PPA on the Magrider.
    Difference being that I can kill a Scythe, good luck doing that with that damned Goatrider, spamming over the "anti-tank walls" they put around most bases from that mountain over there.
  7. OldCuban

    Crap, you're right Haq.

    Someone yells PPA I automatically think of the airborne version.

    They both got nerfed for the same reason though, as did the banshee.

  8. PurpleRobe

    This is from Oct 30, 2014 patch:
    "Proton II PPA is being heavily modified to be more of an infantry point defense weapon and not a long range anti-infantry weapon."
    So IMO, they want to turn PPA into an AoE defense weapon against infantry as Magrider doesn't have one (its previous iteration is more offensive in nature). This also means it kind of has the same purpose and function as Marauder, which sucks when you think about it.
  9. Mongychops

    However, the Banshee has seen some post nerf adjustment, with the extra magazine size. AFAIK the PPA hasn't seen anything make it to live, and it's been nerfed for longer.

    If it was like the Marauder that would be fine, it's just that the accuracy kills it. Giving it massive bloom, lower velocity (on MBT), and damage degradation on direct hits does feel a little unfair.
  10. Demigan

    It's going to stay UP as long as it was OP, hahahahhahaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    Seriously though, I would rather they spend time given the LA some better attention. More tools, more abilities, something he can do for the team!

    Allright, if they do spend time on this, the PPA needs a slight buff, not too much though.
  11. FocusLight


    The PPA got nerfed to the point where it needs you to do what everyone else have to do - close to a reasonable distance and control your fire by aiming and all that jazz.

    In other words, it was balanced. It's less popular now because it's well-known that it was changed and in the public mentality anything that is nerfed is now worthless. It's not always true, but that's the mentality people hold.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but is not the PPA now the AI version of the Saron? On other words, you have a no-drop, COF-building weapon where you fire and let the COF re-sett or spam and deal with the COF bloom?

    Ergo you can still enjoy the longest-reaching AI weapon on your Magrider and Harasser, you just have to be a better shot, and at long to mid range you have to control your fire.

    Yeah, I'm crying for you, how terrible that you have to do what everyone else does. I were you, I'd enjoy the fact that I have two faction-specific weapons that are so flexible that I can snipe with high accuracy and low ROF, or spam in melee with low accuracy but high ROF.

    NC and TR still have to go close with their AI weapons, ergo they do, ergo they get kills. And deaths - is there a statistic for how often Canister and Marauder Harassers and MBT's die compared to PPA Magriders and Harassers? I'd love to see such a metric.
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  12. asmodraxus

    Prior to the nerf the Harasser Marauder and PPA had the very similar performance, now well no one uses the PPA for the reason its quicker to get out and shoot infantry with hand weapons.

    VS need to be even closer then the TR and NC so close that the driver might as well roadkill the enemy.
  13. Haquim

    Well it seems I have to check it, but at least when banshee got nerfed the LPPA still had 4 m splash
  14. KoRneY

    It's not balanced, it's just bad. The Saron is too. If you want AI on a mag, use the kobalt. AV, the Halberd. If you think otherwise you don't drive a mag.
  15. Leftconsin

    The PPA was so imbalanced for so long we need a break from it. Huge magazine, moderate fire rate, unlimited range, two direct hit kill at all ranges, huge splash radius, 250 cert item and everyone had them. Call me bitter, but after the nerf it feels like it got removed from the game entirely and I'm not complaining.
  16. FnkyTwn

    You're wrong on every possible level regarding the PPA. The difference is the Canister and Marauder actually kill people. The PPA in it's current form doesn't whether it's mounted on a Magrider or a Harasser. It's CoF and speed doesn't allow for more than one hit on target. It might be effective under 15m.

    Meanwhile Canister's spam and reliably kill from 50m out.

    Hop into VR and check it out for yourself. You clearly got repeatedly abused by the old PPA. I'm sorry.
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  17. 0fly0

    I think it's more like they don't even care, i just look the video of cute.beaver today on the new camo they have on pts, they have done an amazing work with nc and tr camo taking away the ugly blue and red armor piece and at the end you look the vanu camo and see that it barely change you still have the big ugly purple mark on the leg...
    They totally kill the ppa, just look a vanu harrasser now it's hilarious, it's the only faction who use haleberd on harrasser since we don't even have AI weapon anymore.
  18. FocusLight

    Clarify "wrong on every level" because IIRC one of the things I did say was "is not the PPA now the AI version of the Saron? On other words, you have a no-drop, COF-building weapon where you fire and let the COF re-sett or spam and deal with the COF bloom?"

    This is 100% objectively true in my experience. Saron and PPA both require you to A) hold down the trigger to mag-dump but accept that the rounds quickly go everywhere, or B) control your fire and place pin-point accurate, but semi-auto fired rounds wherever you aim the weapon, and anywhere in between these two extremes you accept more COF-bloom for more ROF. Gain in one to lose in another.

    I also stated "Ergo you can still enjoy the longest-reaching AI weapon on your Magrider and Harasser, you just have to be a better shot, and at long to mid range you have to control your fire." and this is also true.

    You make the claim that I was wrong in every respect to what I said. Prove it. Until you do, I'm simply going to assume you don't know what you are talking about.

    You are partially right, I don't drive a Mag... very much. In contrast I gun for Mags very often when playing VS however. I know how to use the Saron and are, if I may say so, a rather competent Saron gunner. The PPA is basically the AI version of the Saron now from my experience, and I really don't see what you are crying so much about, it is a useful, and flexible weapon.

    It's just not blatantly overpowered anymore.

    Deal with that.
  19. DashRendar

    How about when the ScatMax gets its range/capacity back?

    rage in 3..2..1..
  20. asmodraxus

    The Saron is an semi auto weapon so if you hold the fire button down it stops firing

    The PPA is an automatic weapon, you hold the fire button down it CoF goes to max and runs out of ammo and fails to kill anything..

    Well you are right in that the Saron is not as good as the Vulcan or the Enforcer is some respects as it has neither the sustained DPS of the Vulcan or the accuracy of the Enforcer or their AI power...

    If we have to let the CoF reset AFTER every frakking shot on PPA then how about increasing the CoF so that after the first shot of the Carv or the MCG you meed to wait for it to reset, or seeing as their infantry weapons we do that with the Vulcan, hey it might stop the omg the Vulcan is OP threads, on the other hand I would say that doing such a thing would increase the effective TTK exponentially.

    This is one of the reasons that PPA's on ground vehicles are now rarer then rocking horse excrement.