So... what's the point of nanoweave armor?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by m44v, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. m44v

    So I was looking at the weapon's numerical stats, link, and got me thinking, higher ranks of nanoweave armor are probably useless.

    The general consensus says that you have 1000 hit points, 500 shields plus 500 health, so with the rank 5 of nanoweave armor you get 500 + 500 * 1.25 = 1125, that's 125 hit points extra. Mostly all weapons deal more than 125 points of damage per bullet, so at most you can tank one extra shot.

    Consider going up against TR's CARV, it deals 143 damage per bullet:
    without armor, 1000 / 143 = 6.99 = > you die after 7 shots
    with rank 1, (500 + 500 * 1.10) / 143 = 1050 / 143 = 7.3 = > you die after 8 shots
    with rank 5, (500 + 500 * 1.25) / 143 = 1125 / 143 = 7.8 = > you still die after 8 shots

    So if you want to tank an extra shot you only need the first rank of nanoweave armor, more ranks won't help.

    I'm right or I'm wrong?
  2. OMGItzChucky

    That link shows "max damage" which I assume means the damage of that gun if you headshot or something. Not sure, just an assumption.

    Also, how do you know we have 1000 hp? Also, nanoweave rank 5 is a 20% (12.5% is what you calculated and it represents nanoweave rank 2) increase which is 1200, not 1125.. Allowing you to take 200 more damage. (8.3 carv hits)
  3. BurialDay

    Not taking into account different weapon sources and scaling damage based on distance (both for bullets and aoe explosions).
  4. mareign

    You're not only going to get shot by a CARV. That said you're better off just getting the first rank then spending certs elsewhere. The gain per cert ratio is horrendous after the first rank.
  5. Littleman

    In CQC, it's a single bullet, which are flying at you so fast most people will put more than an extra round into you before they realize they can stop, so it's practically meaningless. Bullets are whizzing everywhere in a hip fire duel often out of the users control due to CoF bloom, and while people may justify their precious one round, I question how many times it's actually ever saved them.

    Long range, rounds aren't nearly as likely to hit their target in quick succession, and if the guy is burst/semi-auto firing, he may be making his shots count, but the interval between shots is an eternity compared to automatic fire, and over longer distances, even bullet weapons suffer lower damage, not just the Vanu Sovereignty, which may add yet another round or two to one's lifespan. An extra round could give one another .3 to 5 seconds of life, easy, depending on their assailant's aim and distance. Consider how big 25% more hp could be in that situation with those variables, especially against the Vanu, whom have the worst damage fall off (as far as I've been led to believe by SOE.)

    I personally swear by the advanced shield capacitor and the ammo belt. Either one is superb. 2 seconds off until a recharge is pretty big. An extra mag will go horrendously far for a survivor that often does not find themselves with an engineer nearby. Can't wait until I can unlock my second extra mag.
  6. Hael

    Keep in mind Planetside has never been about getting more powerful with higher levels. Realistically, you SHOULD at max level only be able to tank an extra bullet or two. If someone with a ton of certs could always beat a new player that sort of completely destroys the POINT of planetside. I see the armor upgrades and whatnot as "something to dump certs into once I have all the scopes and whatnot I want" and not as a real functional upgrade path
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  7. Imps

    Yah it's super worthless, don't take it, and tell your friends not to take it either, so long as you're not VS haha...
  8. Quor

    Nanoweave synergizes well with resist shield.
  9. m44v

    Is not headshots, otherwise bolt actions wouldn't OHK. Nanoweave rank 5 is 25%, the increment is for your health only, not for your shields, so is 500 shields plus 500 * 1.25 health = 1125. I don't have the source of the 1000 hp, is something being repeated ever since beta, is probably in the same files where the weapon damages comes from.

    Only Vanu has damage scaling based on distance, and in that kind of fights tanking an extra shot isn't important, just take cover. For explosions you would use flak armor instead.

    Not my point, how would you feel if you put 1000 certs into something that makes *no* difference? tanking 2 or 3 shots might be an important edge in 1vs1 but it doesn't make you Rambo.

    And people who forked real money is farming new players ever since day one, not sure what you're talking about.
  10. exLupo

    Everyone suffers from damage degradation based on range. Confirmed throughout beta up to tests last night by Venum for his NC weapons doc. VS were supposed to lose more at range; whether or not that is still in game remains to be seen.
  11. Bagar

    TR and NC only get a very light damage degradation past 10m if i remember correctly what i have read on this forum.

    So it is like they have no damage reduction at long range.

    To the OP : yeah nanoweave is not necessarily the best suit for any class.
  12. Hael

    The thing is those 1000 point cert final upgrades aren't meant for us at this point. They're meant for the players that have been playing for months/years and have a pile of certs sitting around without anything in particular they want to spend them on. SOE said that the high final cert cost is meant to be for long time players. We're only a few weeks on. It's only a "waste" of certs because you have other things you want to spend them on.
  13. Dornez

    With all the grenade spam around, I find flack armor much more usefull, because it works with the shield bar too, not just HP
  14. Dornez

    EDIT nvm me, read something wrong
  15. Jestunhi

    Unless you can provide a reliable source for the hp figure, there's no way to take this complaint seriously.
  16. Dornez

    Can you take actual game testing seriously?
    Many people beta tested this and confirmed the findings, with a carv, the difference in bullets to kill between rank 1 and max is 0.

    Every rank should provide the added HP to survive AT LEAST 1 extra bullet from any gun, besides sniper headshots. Although I feel that at rank 5 you should survive a bolt driver to the face.
  17. Zaik

    At 0-24 meters nanoweave past 2 has always been useless.

    The only character you would ever want on it is one that consistently fights at >25m, preferably >50m, and isn't an infiltrator. I do think that some rank of nanoweave is keeping slug ammo scattercannons from two shotting infantry(which would technically provide a minimum of double survival time since i have to shoot both scattercannons a second time, realistically more because slug ammo is extremely unreliable beyond 10m), though I have no idea what rank that is at what ranges, just that I don't see it employed particularly often except for far away(30m+ maybe).
  18. Jestunhi

    Source to the data of these tests?

    I'm sorry, but "I heard it on the forum" is as much proof as "I heard it at the pub".

    Please be sure to state when something is your opinion and when it is a fact when you use them as reasons for making a change.

    How much you feel it should increase is an opinion.

    All I'm trying to do is view the data which you are basing your calculations on. I've seen the weapon bullet damage data but have yet to see actual data on health.
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  19. Xzaron

    The real issue here is almsot everything is lackluster. It would be nice to have something to look forward to but in most classes there is 1 thing that is really good for the class and everything else pretty much just sucks. Most of the sidegrades for grenades are bad.

    For the most part suit upgrades are bad compared to the amount of certs they cost compared to the gain.

    Vehicle armor is meh 10% damage reduction for 200 I can see however you can only use 1 and you have to rebuy it for every vehicle?

    Even the sidegrades on the guns are really limited. Sure i can spend 100certs on a gun with half the reload time for half as many bullets in a clip but you really dont get any other gain from it so whats the point? Some of the 1000cert guns have some nice perks but do I really want to pay 1000 certs for a sniper with slightly better accuracy than the 100 cert one?I realize that SoE doesn't want to make people that have played longer stronger but as this thread states 1 extra bullet for 700 certs?

    Overall I think the game is great the massive scale of it is nice if you ignore the leveling element of it completely. I believe SoE needs to take a look at the overall usefullness of the skills and points as well as looking into resource and resource gain because right now it basically is just any plain on fps on a giant scale. Theres no "reason" to take points or to have a strat on which bases to take because resources are seemingly endless anyway.
  20. Jestunhi

    I think the differences are small on purpose.

    They shouldn't be game-changing upgrades as this would have a major effect on balance. They are supposed to be small changes.

    Otherwise a new player in a few months time would be facing off against hugely buffed characters with all their top level upgrades. And how long is he likely to stay?
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