So this happened.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DramaticExit, Aug 2, 2013.

  1. DramaticExit

    Strangest galaxy "drop" ever.
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  2. Goodkat

    Just tell your pilot not to fly upside-down anymore. Problem solved :)
  3. DramaticExit

    We were upright, the Gal landed on the pad, we all jumped out, and... uh... Yeah.
  4. VirtualGuerilla

    I've had this happen several times to me. It's a "feature" when you exit your vehicle next to an elevator, you float off into the blue abyss. Obviously the situation at hand is this exact "feature" because ye exited the galaxy into the upstream of the Bio Lab elevator.
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  5. Torok

    I managed to hit 14k meters Height before redeploying lol

  6. Tommyp2006

    Yep, second time I've seen this, happens when you exit a vehicle onto a grav lift as mentioned above. The grav lift becomes endless.
  7. DramaticExit

    Nice. The only downside was it kinda wrecked the attack just a little when half of the platoon's MAXes flew off into orbit, but I can live with that, for the sake of 2001 references.
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  8. Kurohagane

    should have edited the end part so that the bone never actually came back
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