So the new splash screen on startup is really nice artwork...

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by WyrdHarper, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. WyrdHarper

    But...uh...does anyone else feel it has quite a strong NC bias? I'm not against having propaganda artwork, but it would be nice to have alternatives for all three factions. I know NC (at least on the US servers) has typically had pretty strong populations, and it seems like this might push new players towards NC.

    It is really cool-looking though; the knife fight in the background is awesome, and I love the Vanu Infiltrator just showing up to the NC/TR fight--simply classic. Fighting in a biolab that's damaged like that would also be pretty cool (or if you could destroy them! At least temporarily...)
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  2. RobotNinja

    TR needs more recruits? Just tell everyone their guns fire 9000 bullets a minute.

    Vanu needs more recruits? Here you go. Just show people this video.
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  3. WyrdHarper

    Haha, I'm just saying, having some TR soldiers fighting in front of an exploding tech plant, or VS guys valiantly holding with an amp station glowing from plasma burns in the background would be pretty cool as well.
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  4. Akashar

    That was my thought seeing this for the first time, and you know, there is a base like this on Hossin, but it seems to have been destroyed a long time ago... The photo must have been taken at the time! ^^
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  5. Klondor

    I would love it if SOE's artists did a picture for TR of them beginning a breaching maneuver or something. [IMG]
    Or maybe even something reminiscent of this since its on more of a grand scale.
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  6. -Synapse-

    Yeah, depending on what faction you played last the artwork should change.
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  7. Akashar

    Would be cool that they opened this to users submissions! :)
    I've seen cool fan made pics, I would love SOE to encourage people to make more by using them! :)
  8. AdmiralArcher

    yeah i actually had a humerous rage thread going a little while ago about it

    it is a little too NC to be for everyone, its like, the 3 guys helping each other, and one guy blowing the brains out of a VS infl, and then an NC guy being atttacked by a TR heavy who is loosing......a little too much NC
  9. Doomzzg

    3 TR
    9 NC
    4 VS

    Clearly TR is UP
  10. Kanil

    I think we've reached a new low (or perhaps high) in what ForumSide will ***** over.
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  11. AdmiralArcher

    if they changed or rotated or were simply different i think it would be much better
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  12. DevDevBooday

    Well it will have a VERY strong influence on new players.
    You start it up for the first time and you are wondering who you should be and you see this valiant glorious artwork of NC banding together and fighting off the filthy weak VS and TR hordes, which one would you pick?

    'Ooh, that VS getting plastered there looks cool, I wanna be them.'

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  13. Kanil

    So what you're saying is that all the new, really bad, really clueless cert pinatas join NC, and you're complaining? Last I checked, the TR didn't exactly have a bullet shortage -- nor the NC a surplus of competence...
  14. Longasc

    They could have 3 empire specific random startup screens and one with all three factions.
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  15. DevDevBooday

    Well I started as NC just because i had watched the CGI trailer.

    When you are new and there isnt really a difference between them all you just go with the first one you recognise.
    Which is NC.

    sorry, i didnt realise making a statement was classified as 'complaining'
    Oh forumside.
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  16. Kirppu1

  17. Astriania

    Hopefully there will be at least 3 images which get a random selection each time you start the game.
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  18. ThePropain

    This post practically hit the nail here. If I ask a new player why they picked NC, the last thing I want to hear is him saying that the NC looked awesome on the Splash Screen.
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