So, the new cloak...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pondera, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. Rigsta

    I've found it to be both good and bad.

    • Extremely visible when moving at any speed, including crouch-walking.
    • Changing cloak visibility states takes several seconds now...
    • ....If it doesn't get stuck in sprint-state.
    • Radar everywhere. Literally every fight has a motion spotter, sensor dart, the new crossbow sensor darts they made available to every class, the flashlights available to every class, or all of the above.
    • Doesn't last long enough to move any meaningful distance, encouraging sprinting, which gets you stuck in the most visible state, which means you have to decloak and recloak to actually be invisible again, which makes a noise, which makes people look in your direction.
    • Moving any distance involves a lot of waiting for the cloak to recharge.
    • Thanks to "move = stay in sprint state" and "radar everywhere", the only way to avoid detection is to stay perfectly still and do nothing. Stalker cloak allows you to do this.
    So yeah. I like to stay positive, but it's simply too buggy and cumbersome, and is useless against the ubiquitous radar. I think it's time that infiltrators got at least partial immunity from radar while cloaked, and crouch-walking with stalker cloak should keep you in the least visible state and not consume energy.
  2. Hoki

    Its a situational cloak. I'd stop certing it until you have enough inf experience to identify when those situations arise. (I still haven't found them)
  3. Pat22

    I didn`t say you couldn`t get kills with it, I said that except for some very few niche situations, you`d be better off with any other sidearm in the game.
  4. HerpTheDerp

    When I heard about infinite cloak I immediatelly thought of TR infiltrators who get a secondary mini-SMG for free.
  5. Pondera

    I'm starting to gain a more thorough understanding of things now. It wasn't the stalker cloak that infiltrators have been ambushing me constantly with, it was the nanite armor cloak! That seems superior in every way for assault infiltration. Gives the cloak, provides armor, and lets you use your primary weapon. Stalker cloak just seems way too situational to be useful, given the frequency of detectors, and how easily a potential victim can turn your ambush into an asskicking.

    Now I'm starting to wish there was a way to get a refund of CERTs from poorly made choices. Least I'm not one of those poor TR saps who spent 2000+ CERTS on vehicle stealth without realizing what it did.