[Suggestion] So, the downsides to making drop pods squad beacon only....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dusty El Lion, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. Dusty El Lion

    Please list them, I like the above suggestion, but I may have not considered all the possible game-play ramifications. Essentially I think the hot spot system encourages bad play, and renders most defensive structures useless. When a enemy squad shows up, and enough action goes off to make a amp station a hot spot it becomes impossible to keep lone wolfers from dropping into the base.

    Making drop pods squad beacon only means the defense still has a chance to repel attackers at the wall, it forces players to work in squads to be able and break a defense, and contributes to making battles actually last instead of them being decided in a few minutes.

    Again if you have counterpoints please post them, I'm willing to be swayed on this topic, just keep it civil!
  2. schwarzklang

    not a good idea. i dont like situations where a lot of people are camping a doorway or behind a wall. whats so ******* boring. no one will rush in.
  3. Dusty El Lion

    It's a fair point, but the bases are currently pretty open to begin with, especially if you are a light assault. The problem is all those defensive walls don't mean much when you can drop pod in pretty much at will.
  4. Gamertech

    It'd mean I can't lone wolf anymore when all of the current squads/platoons in the area are full of snot-nosed little kids that do more harm than good to the actual objective...
  5. Dusty El Lion

    That's a problem with squad leaders/platoon leaders not being strict enough. While it sucks, there's nothing stopping you from making your own platoon/squad and/or joining an outfit. I know that's not the best option in most cases but the over abundance of stupid players shouldn't mean the game should make concessions to lone-wolfing at the cost of decreasing unit cohesion and tactical gameplay.
  6. ZenTao

    If they are from a deploy then they should land outside the base area ... simple.
  7. Dusty El Lion

    Say, the outer outposts?
  8. Isila

    Won't matter. Random loners dropping in aren't affect you seriously, it's coordinated outfits. And if they didn't have instant action pods, they'd just galaxy drop on you instead by flying at flight ceiling to the target then diving at the last second.

    All it does it make the process a bit faster.
  9. Dusty El Lion

    At least then the galaxy's have a real point, as it is they're largely a novelty used to ghost cap faster, or occasionally drop on the crown. It would also give air superiority, or even just good spotting, greater meaning. Not to mention it takes time and resources to do coordinated gal drops

    These are all good points guys keep it up.