So the big Mystery. Doors. Future does not use Doors?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kameho, Jan 7, 2013.

  1. Kameho

    Doors. Wahtever happened to Doors?

    You know those geometrical engineered pieces that is contructed onto openings of buildings that can Open and Close?

    Whatever happened to them?

    Doors. They need to be added.
    Wooden, Stone, Metal, Nanite-shield Doors. As long as door is a door.

    If we had doors, People could actually defend more propertly. Not to mention also attack.

    Doors offer protections, close the doors to keep the enemie out, or obscure your presence at the other side of the door. Open the doors to be able to get in?
    Everything form Destructable doors that can be fixes, to indestructable doors, that must be hacked to open?

    Also, There is nothing more I hate than sitting at the corner of the computer room, doing my buisness having the door to my room open!

    You got any idea how disturbing it is when Im minding my buisness and someone walks into me in the middle of it!?
  2. SturmovikDrakon

    I remember the hangar with the BFR easter egg had doors

    So they exist, they're just not using them


  3. MongooseDog

    I kinda do miss doors, pretty much as much as I miss hacking. Having secured doors that required someone to hack to open was a ridiculously useful tool for defending a space, be it a tower, generator room, etc. Shields kinda work, but they're not utilized enough to keep people out.

    Never underestimate the power of a simple piece of metal to keep out a swarm of enemy troops. =P

    Also, I swear to Vanu (yes, I'd be willing to go that far), they better not introduce BFRs into this game and ruin it the way they absolutely ruined PS1.
  4. Village

    Doors would be nice, just make them destructible and require engineers to repair them.
  5. nst6563

    The doors are all there. Just invisible, and since it's the future you can just phase shift through them instead of being bothered to open them. It's just perception ;)
  6. Necron

    All the doors are broken and all the Space Janitors are dead.... so there is no one to fix them.
  7. Daedrick

    Because in the future they use WWll technologie and forgot how to build proper defense. I suspect the wormhole got rid of all human intelligence.
  8. Pockets

    The future can't dig holes either. No trenches or basements.
  9. Xandax

    When the future is too dumb to make defensible bases, it's obvious they forgot about doors as well.