So that chaingun...

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Phos!, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. Phos!

    Apart from it's bizarrely good sniping ability (Which basically amounts to having good bullet velocity), I'm having a hard time finding situations where it's actually better than an LMG. By the time it's spun up, it's already just scattering round all over the place. Am I missing something?
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  2. Takoita

    No, MCG is not inherently better than the majority of things you could stick in that slot. I'd suggest to keep yourself away at ~30m distance from the first row so that you are not the TR enemy shoots at first, I generally find it performing better when I manage to do that.

    As for room clearing, yes, I've had some nice MAX kills and triple-squishie kills with it from time to time, but that spin up will be the death of you the moment someone with proper CQC weapon shows up.
  3. vsae

    Its good at mowing down pubbies. If you face any serious outfit you are better with the carv.
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  4. Pie Chasm

    You aren't. It's terrible. It's actually not good at sniping. That tiny dot is what most guns' COF looks like when ADSing.

    However, the bullet damage is terrible for ranged encounters, not to mention spin making burst fire a moot point.
  5. oherror

    I actually have really good luck with it and use it all the time. You just have to know how to use it to get the major kills. I put on extended mag for more room clearing potential...IE not reloading mid fight. The real trick is when to spin it up. The MCG as of a few patches ago still fires instantly just not as fast so your not totally screwed if jumped. Combine the MCG with the concussion grenade and your a god when room clearing or breaching. That being said it does take a lot of practice to learn how to use it well. If you don't want to invest the time to learn the MCG i would just use the default. But I believe your missing out on a lot of fun.

    Well thats my 2 cents take it or leave it....
  6. Phos!

    Then I suspect that the strength is that the chaingun's dot is much smaller than a reflex sight dot (seriously those things are gigantic).
  7. Gav7x

    Its quite funny that a gun designed for spraying in cqc is best at range
  8. SteamBoiler

    It's a decent gun and fun for spraying and praying. It's best used when you are about to breach a room with known enemies. You start firing to get its RPM up and start spraying and praying with your heavy shield on. It's effective in that regard and with extended magazines. You can have go full auto for 15 seconds with 1 clip. That's quite a long time.

    It is situational though, if caught in a 1v1 firefight you will mostly lose because of its spin up time. I love the gun and its sound. The only beef I have is that its not the fastest firing gun in the game. There are SMGs and even carbines that have a faster firing rate then the gun and it has no spin up time even though they have a much smaller magazine. I wouldn't mind if they increased the spin up time to make the gun fire at 900 RPM. Then it would feel badass.
  9. Phos!

    Really I'm getting the idea that you could more or less remove the spin up time (Perhaps limit this to firing from the hip, aka, how it was when there was that bug and no one complained) and the gun would still be balanced.
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  10. FieldMarshall

    I with the spinup would go. More than anything, its just annoying.
    I dont care if they increased the COF bloom or whatever, just no spinup..
  11. Slat

    Not a TR, but what if you removed the ability to ADS, and instead gained the ability to spin up the chaingun with whatever you would normally use to ADS? And mayyyyybe tighten the CoF, since you're losing ADS capability.
  12. hansgrosse

    Honestly, I wish they'd roll it back to its old version where it wouldn't start firing until it was fully spun-up. Far more useful, that version was.
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  13. Laxlu

    Yep. It is awful weapon and you should avoid using it. If someone says to you what this is SUPPRESSION WEAPON or its used to MOW DOWN ENEMIES feel free to ignore that person.

    I'm sorry, i didn't mean to offend anyone, but these types of words are used to often in discussions about this weapon. To make it clear.
    1. To suppress someone, you need to become higher threat to your target. To put it simply - if he lifts his head, he will die. Can this gun make it happen? No. Why? Because it have so large bloom, what person at 50m can stand still, slowly raise his gun at you, and take a gentle headshot. And he won't even lose his shields. That's how terrible accuracy are. T16 can suppress, mcg dont.
    2. To MOW DOWN enemies, you need both fire rate and decent accuracy and you cant have it with mcg. Here is example of mowing down
    first 4 kills.
    I take this video in thread up above. We have 2 options how to do the same with mcg. First one - hold down trigger to get 800rpm. Second - burst fire to get headshots. In both situations we will end up losing fight because of disadvantages. 1. To much bloom. 2. Too slow firerate.

    The MCG punishes you in every aspect of using it. It have no magnification, but at the same time have decent bullet velocity and slow fire rate. It have slowest fire rate of all terran auto weapons, when you start firing it. When it reaches 800 rpm the bloom is uncontrollable, and you can't take down targets beyond 30-40m reliably. And here is the funniest part. You want to stop firing, because you want to stabilise your weapon. But you can't, if you stop you will lose all your juicy fire rate. So you stuck in situation when it is bad for you either way, if you continue firing or not. Its equally frustrating for you. The best solution for situations when you need to kill someone is to take out YOUR OWN TRUSTY ALLMIGHTY AND GLORIOUS POCKET-EMPEROR and feed your foes full of bullets. That surely is more effective than this parody of a chaingun.

    The ways it can be improved.
    1. Secondary fire - turn on prespinup. So it will start at maximum fire rate with first bullet immediately. You even can implement downsides for it - increased first shot bloom. active.
    2. Make it capable of burst fire. By this I mean that the barrel will continue to rotate for some time after i released the trigger button. 5-10sec. This will help A LOT. Id say this is must have feature with spinup weapon. This will help conserve ammo, and simply by NOT BEING gigantic tracer maker, what attract all the snipers in general area.
    3. It would be really nice if this weapon have unic recoil\bloom\cone of fire stats. When i hear chaingun the first picture im imagine is Terminator 2 movie. Then Arnold wrecking all the police cars. The point is - holding trigger is fun. What if this weapon have fixed radius of bullet spread. Like shotguns. And it will not increase after shots? All the bullets will fly in one big cone infront of you.
    4. More firerate, more bullets in one clip, more daka-daka. Cmone, the smg's and carabines shoot faster. (offtopic - funny fact, vanu and nc have fastest carabines than TR oh wow) I dont feel the power in my hands. Tweak damage model all you whant, drop it below 100 if needed. All the TR players out there whant more firerate on this thing. It also will helps with its problems. More bullets - more chanses to hit target.

    With that changes, weapon will become a real chaingun.
    At the moment the T9 CARV is better in any situation possible, so use it. 50 more rpm don't worth all the disadvantages.
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  14. Kristan

    Fun fact that currently MCG is the most precise TR LMG after nerf, even on hipfire. It outperforms T36 Bull.
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  15. Bankrotas

    I'll trade ya, my Jackhammer for that MCG!
  16. Crayv

    The MCG needs a rework.

    Personally I would like if its thing was no bloom rather than amazing accuracy. That way you could spray it at a point like doorway and prevent anyone from wanting to walk through there without your bullets flying out of the side of the barrel and hitting friendlies due to bloom. It wouldn't be accurate enough to give it better TTK at range than other weapons and it's spin up would prevent it from being a CQC weapon but being able to send a lot of bullets into one area for a long time without any loss of accuracy would put it into more of a suppression role.
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  17. Liberty

    The chaingun, in CQC out to medium range is awful assuming you don't get the drop on someone you will lose in a fire fight with players of similar or greater skill. That perceived "sniper accuracy" is an illusion created by the very low starting ROF and the effects it has on bloom. Yes your first few bullets are very accurate, but the same can be accomplished by bust firing a normal LMG in 4-6 round bursts. The reality is, the TMG 50 controlled/kitted out properly will be much better at range.

    In close quarters combat you will be better off with the stock Carv or MSW-R (but hipfiring kind of sucks at the moment) mainly because the spin up time to reach 800 RPM exceeds the TKK for most weapons. 750 RPM @ 0 to .5 seconds is much much better than 200 rpm to 800 @ 0 to .5.
  18. Kristan

    You based your opinion on pre-nerf of LMGs or after? Because after nerf ALL LMGs can't hit anything even at point blank range, except for MCG, T32 and that NS LMG I don't remember it's name.
  19. Liberty

    I actually haven't played my TR since the new patch but I have gone through my VS and NC characters. What I've found is that LMG's at range require something closer to 4-6 round bursts now rather than the old 9 to 12 rounds you could get away with (at least the 143's). Hipfire is definitely a joke and I'd be willing to take your word the MCG is the best option for that now from an accuracy standpoint (I still feel like that spin up will get you killed in cqc more often than not).

    The MCG was I think the last LMG for TR I had to auraxium and after getting 700 ish kills into it, I mostly put it down outside of tower farms or tight hallways where I could hold choke points and even then, I mostly missed my Carv or even my Carv-S when I needed 200 rounds but could switch quickly from target to target while resetting my COF without losing all my ROF advantages.
  20. Makora

    Honestly, I'm trying. I am struggling but I can't make this gun work. it might be that I just picked it back up after getting auraxium on the Carv but it just doesn't deliver. At every range so far, from CQB to 30m to long I have found myself being outgunned. Lack of optics really shows on this weapon. At the very LEAST it should have advanced laser sights to really let you have some kind of controllable CoF during sustained fire that I can only guess it's made for.

    The second problem I have is that you NEED to telegraph that you are coming. The firerate is too slow at the start to compete against anything. And reving it up means you are likely to miss more shots than I'm comfortable with. With the added "bonus" that at reved up RoF it is only 50 RPM higher then the carv with the same damage but considerably less control and accuracy.

    With the lack of addon options and the rather pitiful possible performance compared to other weapons I'd honestly go as far as to suggest two things.
    1) no rev up time. You got the entire 800 RPM the moment you go.
    2) Boost fire rates. So you start at 700 and it revs up to 896. The last number being what the TR's armistice SMG fires at.