So tanks are almost worthless right now ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rusky, Mar 16, 2013.

  1. Rusky

    I know it's probably just worse because it's a double xp weekend and coupled with the boosted vehicle xp revwards that means every farmer logged on to kill vehicles these days but...

    Seriously, with the exception of massive zerg situations, tanks are so crap it's cringe worthy, and even then, only those that cower behind other tanks usually live long enough to get anything out of their tank.

    Since the reduced killing power wasn't compensated by an increase in survivability running around in an MBT now feels a lot like being a giant glowing jackpot/bullseye that moves around slowly and hits like a wet noodle.
    Even with HE rounds, a small rock can apparently deflect the entire blast, leaving the HA behind happy to troll face me with another rocket to the kneecap.

    Yay, with the new boost and increased spending in cooldown reduction, I can now pull Vanguards non stop. Shame I seem to get more certs and score by just running around as a HA or Engi.

    The only reason I see to pull a tank now is to act as a distraction while the infantry advances on the enemy positions.

    Please, for the love of all that's holy, make the GOD DAMN MAIN BATTLE TANKS actually feel like a GOD DAMN TANK!
    I don't care if you have to double cooldowns and resource costs.

    I can pull a Vanguard every respawn now and I can't be arsed most of the time since I know it'll just get blown up 30s from spawning.

    Since your stated intent was to make vehicles available for everyone so new players could enjoy every aspect of the game, answer me this:

    What do you think new players would enjoy more ?

    a) Being able to pull a tank whenever they want, but feeling like they can't really do much/anything in it that they couldn't do better as infantry.
    b) Being able to pull a tank rarely, but feeling like they're running around in a dread inducing instrument of doom and destruction ?
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  2. AnotherNoob

    I wouldn't mind if they doubled tanks hp and tripled the resource cost for it.
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  3. IronWarrior

    The only problem I have with my tank, the Prowler is the weird recoil bug that all tanks currently have.

    It makes sniping anything really hard and hurts the Prowler the most since our DPS is ruined because we can't fire the second shot as fast as we normally can without it going into the ground due to the recoil/rocking the tank has now.
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  4. Lendiggity

    I dont use MBT's but my lightning works fine.
  5. HellasVagabond

    Almost no splash damage, huge reload times, awful traction (Vanguard/Prowler) and slow slug velocity are the things they should improve, not HP.
  6. AccelPrime

    Maybe you're just bad. I got bored of tanks when i reached like 4-5k kills with 'em, but I pulled a Magrider a few days ago and got a 40 killstreak. I really don't think tanks are bad, but what is bad is the amount of whine on these forums.
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  7. SturmovikDrakon

    Or doubled their HP and made them multi-crew.

    MBTs are spammable and expendable. That shouldn't be the case
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  8. IronWarrior

    Bad traction? Are you kidding me? This update totally fixed traction for the Prowler (sure it's the same for other tanks) since I can climb all hills again like I could do in Beta without sliding down and spinning like crazy.
  9. IronWarrior

    Infantry are spammable and expendable, That shouldn't be the case.
  10. LameFox

    I've tried a few since the patch and until the recoil works properly again I'm just not going to bother. The only thing not really altered much is the skyguard, because what accuracy.
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  11. HellasVagabond

    Well i don't use the Prowler, i use the Vanguard and currently it slides around cliffs like skiing......Not to mention you can't climb anything on it......I thought the same applied to the Prowler since many here whine about that.

    Sure they should, it's the BASIC way to play PS2, you don't need exp.points to use them, resources, nothing.
  12. GaryGibbon

    In its current state, tanks are a joke.

    Due to the critical levels of QQ reached by forum whiners, tanks have been reduced to grloirified pickup trucks, and their weapons to firecrackers. They all seem to have the opinion that they should win 1v1 versus a tank. And with the recent xp boosts, it's utterly ridiculous.

    Therefore, I have some changes I'd like to see implemented in the game:
    1) Buff all vehicle (with the exception of the Flash, te Galaxy and maybe the Sunderer) armour by 10-20%. Tanks are supposed to be the juggernaut of the PS2 world; I want to see players ******** themselves when tanks roll in and they have no AT support. Vanguard, due to it belonging to the NC, should have a buff of 15-25%.
    2) Find a compromise with vehicle weapon explosion radius. This is a knife edge balance, too high, the QQ will drown the forums in a sea of tears. Too little, tanks are useless.
    3) Increase torque, handling and hill climb of all tanks by about 10-15%. As the Magrider is a floating hovercraft, make it approx 15-20%.
    4) Increase the top speed of all tanks/vehicles by 10-20%. As the Prowler is supposed to be the fast tank of all three factions, it should have a buff of around 15-25%.

    In my mind, unless you are a HA with a Decimator, C4, Anti-Vehicle Grenades, munitions pouch, and flak armour, you won't solo a tank. Taking down tanks with infantry alone needs teamwork. If a tank rolls into a base, one guy with lolmines or lolrawkits shouldn't take out a tank with little effort. I want to see teams of HAs and Engineers strafe the tank, popping off shots and mines as the tank absorbs damage and spits it out.

    I play dedicated infantry by the way. When I see a tank, I don't think "Oh ****", I think "Free XP!" This shouldn't be happening.
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  13. IronWarrior

    That made me laugh, the recoil on that weapon is a joke and defeats the very idea of mounting a weapon in a turret system.
  14. SturmovikDrakon

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  15. LameFox

    It's not so much the recoil as the gigantic innate spread that can't be decreased in any way ever. Recoil is just a joke by comparison, even when it's broken.
  16. MorteDeAmgelis

    I don't get a massive SPM with my Vanguard but thats mainly cause I will drive half way across the map sometimes just to use it cause I much prefer it over the lighting and I know people who love the lighting and hate the Vanguard. The name "MBT" is a false sense of Security as you can't really use it as a MBT.

    Always make sure you have air cover.
    Never go against more then 3 guys at the same time
    Learn to snipe with it
    Never engage anything with less the half HP
    Repair before going anywhere
    Learn to pop shield when Mossies RP you. Let your Air Cover do the rest (Don't forget to spin!)
    The increase XP on tanks makes them a much juicer target then Infantry :)
    Never EVER go alone
    And always watch your flanks for LA's and Engis.
  17. centurionvi

    Kinda yeah. I spend more time repairing my "battle tank" than I do actually battling things.
  18. CHDT65

    No problem for me.
    I just drive cleverly, taking the right decisions and it's ok.

    Just study war stories: a lone tank, without air cover and infantry support is just a iron coffin.
  19. AnnPerkins

    the nc on my server do not seem to have any problem with survivability in the godless killing machines they have. I literally pounded a trannyguard for nearly 10 minutes with an AT turret and he just sat there farming infantry fer mad certz, yo
  20. Cougarbrit

    Tanks are the most deadly thing on the ground right now, a zerg without tanks is a zerg doomed for failure.

    The only problem is the current recoil/twitching bug that randomly kicks in that makes aiming with all tanks a struggle and aiming with anchored prowlers a pain in the ****. That and the fact Engi AV turrets cut through MBTs like butter. It only takes one good shot to stop the threat but considering the range on those things you'll often need a good eye and a damn good shot to hit the little pixel wide figure standing miles away.