So SOE another patch ANOTHER BUG

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nariquo, Aug 8, 2013.

  1. Nariquo

    So SOE another 20 mb patch and ANOTHER BUG again.
    every number in the stor is NULL.
    so i can buy a weapon with SC NULL or NULL certs.
    so you are really so pro that you **** up the system with 20 mb really?
  2. Nariquo

    here a picture
  3. Shatters

    You could do us all a favor and dont talk about stuff you dont know nothing about.
    Just removing (or adding) a few KB's (1000KB = 1mb) of code can wipe the character database totally clean.
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  4. Nariquo

    thats right and you know what. because of that YOU ARE TESTING PATCHES BEFORE YOU PUBLISH THEM!!!!!!!!
  5. Lazaruz

    Who wants to test if everything is free on the depot?
  6. Nariquo

    well no it isnt free already tested it... you only cant see anymore what costs how much
  7. Crator

    Just logged in for the first time today and noticed this right off. Came here looking to be sure not just me seeing this. Thanks...

    Also, notice that resources are shown as 'NULL' value as well... Not good! :eek:
  8. UberBonisseur

    Oh wow.

    The words are all messed up and the text makes no sense.
    GG SOE, GG.
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  9. AtroposZero

    it's definitely not free. :)
  10. Shatters

    Thats what you are for. PS2 figured you wouldnt have much to offer for humanity so they made you their personal tester. Saves them work and saves the rest of the world having to deal with you.

    Rant about players like the OP aside,
    You cant test everythig before it goes live, and everytime you fix something you can end up breaking 10 other things. If you are gonna trow PC's out of the windows because of buggs like this, then, please, never play online games (hell, SOE is doing a better job on bug fixes then pretty much every other major MMO)
  11. Nariquo

    sorry in a big GU ok.. in a 1 gb patch OK
    in a 20 mb mini **** hotfix.. öhm no
  12. MrMurdok

    You wanted a cert reset? YOU GOT IT!

    You have no certs! And you have no certs! EVERYBODY HAS NO CERTS!~

  13. Crator

    It's fixed... My client just patched and is no longer showing NULL.
  14. TTex11

    The best screwup they did after a patch still has to be those huge glaring pillars of light and deafening sounds around towers whenever an infiltrator hacked a terminal. Those were epic.

    They sure were purty at night though.
  15. FateJH

    It was the perfect security system.
  16. Frozen

    I know! The horror! I haven't been able to play since the patch!

    /sarcasm off.
    Who cares?
  17. Vertabrae

    You know, if Nariquo ever made a thread that wasn't a complaint, I think I'd die of shock. OP, you're THE most negative person in Forumside, and that's saying something.