So Sick of outside. MOAR infantry friendly areas please.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NewbTuber, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. NewbTuber

    With no one fighting on Esamir or Amerish that leaves Indar. And with the push never going to far north then you only get 2 bio lab fights on a regular. It is getting old loggin on and hoping you get a biolab fight or logging off. I know everyone in the air or armor will hate this but I admittedly HATE being fodder when outside. Go ahead and say get better newbb.. IMO shut up you have 95% of the maps to play on.. Give Infantry more please and thanks.

    I assume others feel like me, I am a loyal person but not when I get super bored looking at the map praying for a biolab fight AND the BIO LAB is RUFF yet I still pray for them when I log on.
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  2. Techup

    I agree. Outside sucks.

    That's why I never leave my computer screen.
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  3. Benton!

    Damnit OP, go play CoD if you don't want a combined arms experience.
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  4. DJPenguin

    Hossin is said to be more infantry friendly with it's swamps and trees restricting some tank movement. It can work but it needs to be dense. Personally I'd just like a ruinous city with rubble blocking the roads.
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  5. WalrusJones

    Allowing players more chances to segregate themselves would add much needed newbie friendly areas, until they find themselves certed well enough for a good combined arms experience.
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  6. NewbTuber

    That's the problem. I get like 20 30 mins of play when I can and every time I just get ganked by armor or air trying to do something with no certs. Sorry I live outside IRL and you do not so I stand no chance fighting you in the game. Guess PS2 is about the addict and nothing more. I do not care about certs I just want a little play when I find the time but never can get it and the only level playing field is indoors.. But I guess you want the game to die since your trollieness Tells me you never want new players to come play cause they must play air or armor and cert into that part of the game.

    Was fu... Well it was what it was but I guess Infantry is meaningless and your community is full of trollies who want to push everyone away instead of inviting them in. GL have fun.

    IMO still need more infantry areas where certs really mean nothing instead of outside where certs give you the ability to camp and farm any building with a window or door.
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  7. jdono67894

    Just give in and sit in a tank farming infantry.
    SOE will never fix it, the game will always be farmville, accept it.
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  8. NewbTuber

    Like I said in my post . " You have 95% of the map shut up" All I am asking for is may be a few more closed off areas for the troops to be troops and not cannon fodder for the certed out air and armor.
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  9. NewbTuber

    So your saying this is not a infantry game at all?
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  10. NewbTuber

    I do hope it comes out soon I might have to log on to check it out.
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  11. jdono67894

    It's a 'combined arms' game, the vehicles combine their arms to take down infantry in creative ways.
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    I dont know if its different on other servers, but I feel like im at a disadvantage every time im in a vehicle. I play a VAST majority of my time as infantry, even though i am a huge vehicle buff, and its because vehicles are weak, consumable, and often ineffective force multipliers. Tanks are WAY easy to kill.

    Most of my experience since GU2, has been in boots. I have absolutely no problem finding inf battles EVERYWHERE. yes there are vehicles in this game, but they are by NO means a dominating force. Again, I play on helios, maybe other servers are different, but if I had to guess, im going to place money on the fact that MOST people are simply to stupid, impatient, or simply feel WAY to entitled to THIER specific type of gameplay, to actually learn how to fight in a combined arms game.

    Yes OP we have "95%" (BS) of the map, but MOST MOST MOST of the fighting is in fact in tight, dense areas like bio-domes, vanu archives, or the crown, and infantry fighting is BY FAR the easiest, most lucrative, and most common form of fighting in the game.

    We have "95%" of the game, but we should have 100%. why? because there is no reason to cater to COD crowds in a CA game. I dont rush into COD forums and demand that they introduce more aircraft or tanks into the game. why? because I have my game and they have theirs. if thats what you want, then by all means go to their game. or 1 of literally dozens of infantry focused/only games. Please just leave my game as a CA game and dont try to make PS go the way of BF any more than it already has.
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  13. NewbTuber

    Yes that's how I feel most times I log in. I do get the bio fights where I get to fight people and skill of the FPS takes over then I have a blast.
    The amp stations are ok as well and levels the armor infantry fights but still look at that map what does that leave the armor and air? 90% of the map to own. still a bit lopsided IMO.
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  14. WalrusJones

    Vehicle destruction rewards are getting increased in the upcoming patch.

    Even if vehicles still outclass infantry by a large margin, they will be too busy farming each other...

    Or so it is possible.
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  15. NewbTuber

    I never played CoD or Bf3 thanks I am a Original quake player then Planetside with a little socom in it. So ahem eat yellow snow.
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  16. WalrusJones

    This.... Is devolving into a whirlpool of Ad Hominem.
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    1st, no reason to be disrespectful. I wasnt disrespectful to you, so a few manners would probably be appropriate.

    2nd. your history is irreverent. I compared ONE of MANY games. I even put right in my post that you can choose 1 of a dozen games. I never said that you played COD, only that COD is an option that sounds good for someone like you who doesnt want to be bothered by vehicles at all.

    3rd. I made a few points in my post. care to address them? your posts are lacking consideration or objectivity. Try to discuss things, rather than debating them. crap, you arnt even debating them, your just telling people to drink piss after making a completely unrelated comment.
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  18. Robes

    This game is already being pushed very hard for infantry only, you cant fly air anymore in big fights, period. So tanks are the only things to worry about, and that being said theres 30000 hard counters to tanks, most of them killing said tank in ~2 seconds, how much more infantry only do you want?
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  19. NewbTuber

    Nuff said.. bye.. hope they fix the game for you all.

    Trollie less and you might keep a player base for the game you love so much.. Otherwise just kick all the new players in the teeth as they walk out the door and your servers merge again and again and again.

    Oh wait didn't they already? >waves<
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  20. Rhinzual

    Thing is, with how so many MBTs/Lightnings/Libs/ESFs can be pulled and just decimate infantry, I don't feel like it's a combined arms game.
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